Is it ok if I join the forum?


New Member
Feb 26, 2006
Reaction score

First off, just wanted to make sure it's ok if I join the forum..... :fingersx:

My Dad is completely deaf, and I am currently taking ASL classes with my wife.


graciejohn said:

First off, just wanted to make sure it's ok if I join the forum..... :fingersx:

My Dad is completely deaf, and I am currently taking ASL classes with my wife.



:welcome: to AD and yes you can join this forum. Its for everyone to join... Enjoy!!!
:welcome: to AD and of course it is perfectly alright that you are joining in this forum. Enjoy your stay here :)
No, it's not ok for you to join! Sorry my bad...of course, you're very welcome to join and enjoy posting! There are plenty of AD members who are hearing people here...welcome welcome!!! smile

That's wonderful of you to take ASL classes with your wife so you could communicate with your dad with ASL! Your dad is blessed to have you and your wife!
Thats alright for you to join in the forum! :welcome: to alldeaf and enjoy yourself with all of the posts and threads! :thumb:
Welcome and enjoy

This is a great palce and everyone is so kind

Sure, come on in..... Hello there :wave:

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here ;)....
Oh of course, r you the most welcome on AD here.... and let's breath away...

Great being for you part of Deaf Community and will help your ASL delevop hand skills growth become good signers!

Way to go!

Enjoy here! :wave:
Of course, come in... :D

Herzlich Willkommen zu AD

Come and share your posts here with us... :thumb:
:wave: :welcome: to Alldeaf graciejohn! Of course it's alright for you to join our wonderful forum! It's nice to have you! Good luck with your ASL classes, enjoy your stay here on AD. Have fun posting and welcome aboard! :cheers: