I need help too!!!


New Member
May 31, 2004
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Hello! I am taking a class in college and for a project I was asked to interview Deaf people and find out their views on interpreters - sooooo........ If any Deaf people would participate in my survey, I would be greatful! Just copy/paste the questions onto your own reply, and type away! Thanks so much!!

Seeing as I have been VERY unsuccessful in locating a deaf person to take my survey, PLEASE, ANYONE, just answer my questions!

1A. Are you Deaf, Hearing or prefer to be called something else (hard of hearing, hearing impaired, have a CI, wear hearing aids, etc.)??

1B. Do you think all interpreters are certified?

2. In your opinion, what are the normal requirements to enter the interpreting profession?

3. How would you describe a typical day for interpreters? (duties, stressors, predictability, etc.)

4. What aspects of using an interpreter do you like the most? The least?

5. What advice would you give to someone who is entering the field of interpreting?

6. Do you think interpreters belong to organizations or clubs? Which ones?

7. How often do you think interpreters attend seminars or workshops related to interpreting?

8. What places can you expect to see an interpreter?

9. What are the working conditions for an interpreter?

10. What kind of education is required to become an interpreter? Do they just have to know Deaf people or be CODAs, or do they have to go to school for it?

11. What do you think interpreters get paid?

12. What do you think interpreters enjoy about their jobs? What do you think they dislike about their jobs?

13. Do you think interpreters sometimes put their job before their family and friends? How often?
I'm an interpreter

I'm an interpreter, I've known ASL for 30 yrs.
Interpreters should dress nice not sloppy, and not wear alot of jewerly.
They can work where ever the deaf person needs them, but if the place inappropate, the interpreter shoudn't interpret there.
Also the interpreter should ask who will pay them.
If you need a deaf person to interview, go to your local community college and find out if they have any deaf students,and ckeck out if theres a deaf center in your area.
Good Luck!
My reply may light some fuses but given my thick skin and trusty armor, I can handle almost any flak.

1A. Are you Deaf, Hearing or prefer to be called something else (hard of hearing, hearing impaired, have a CI, wear hearing aids, etc.)??

I'm deaf. Call me that and all's well!

1B. Do you think all interpreters are certified?

Best that they are 'qualified'. Certification means an expensive membership to large interpreter groups that translates to high interpreting fees. And not only that, being a member puts the interpreters in control of the organization.

2. In your opinion, what are the normal requirements to enter the interpreting profession?

Verbatim ability to convert spoken words into signed words and vice versa.

3. How would you describe a typical day for interpreters? (duties, stressors, predictability, etc.)

It depends on where youre at. In a doctor's office its less stressful comparing to a high school or junior college.

4. What aspects of using an interpreter do you like the most? The least?

The ability to function as communication service providers.

5. What advice would you give to someone who is entering the field of interpreting?

Stay away from interpreter organizations!

6. Do you think interpreters belong to organizations or clubs? Which ones?

Social clubs are a plus to maintain positive rapports with community members.

7. How often do you think interpreters attend seminars or workshops related to interpreting?

A skill polishing and ethical workshop each year would be good.

8. What places can you expect to see an interpreter?

Where you can see them.

9. What are the working conditions for an interpreter?

A good comfy chair for him/her to sit on and a break each 30 minutes.

10. What kind of education is required to become an interpreter? Do they just have to know Deaf people or be CODAs, or do they have to go to school for it?

They need to know ASL and be able to translate spoken words to signed words and vice versa. It dont really matter where they learned it.

11. What do you think interpreters get paid?

A proper terp pay is $10-$30 an hour based on experience.

12. What do you think interpreters enjoy about their jobs? What do you think they dislike about their jobs?

They like their jobs best when they are in an environment that doesnt put them in a position to be taking in flak or criticisms. I have terps telling me that working in VRS is the best thing to happen to them.

13. Do you think interpreters sometimes put their job before their family and friends? How often?

It seems that way and they are due a lot of respect for it.

Now wait for the bricks to fly toward me.

I charge $15.00 for my interptering.

I agree with Richard, most interprerters charge between $10 to 30 dollars an hr, and some even higher.
I'm cheap I charge $15.00 an hr.
I don't believe the deaf should have to pay alot for an interpreter.
Margie said:
I agree with Richard, most interprerters charge between $10 to 30 dollars an hr, and some even higher.
I'm cheap I charge $15.00 an hr.
I don't believe the deaf should have to pay alot for an interpreter.
You shouldn't call yourself "cheap"; that doesn't sound nice. I think you mean your rates are inexpensive.

My Deaf clients don't pay anything for interpreters. My fees are paid by the schools, VR, doctors, employers, etc.
My interpreting is very inexpensive.

My interpreting is very inexpensive.
I do interpret once an while at a Jewish school here in Orange County, the school paid me.
Some interperters charge alot more.
I'm hearing impaired, but I don't know the answers to your questions, snoflkz, sorry. I noticed that students who are trying to pass a class or test usually have to ask questions like these and I was surprised to get one of those typical questions in e-mail from Germany at my workplace. They were different questions, but I did not have all the answers for that person either. I wished I could help. :(