Howdy from Texas


New Member
Feb 7, 2005
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Hello from Texas. I'm Thistle2561, and am an ASL Teacher at South Hill High School, here in Fort Worth Texas. I am doing this as a way to keep myself and my students informed about the Deaf community, and would appreciate any positive input from fellow members. Take care, and THUMB~UP

Welcome to AD and enjoy your stay here.. :D
I'm originally from Dallas, Texas. I went to Prairie Creek Elementary School, North Junior High School, and J.J. Pearce High School. Ever heard of those?
Welcome to AD. I'm from dallas myself... I'm a senior at UTD and if you need any help with your ASL classes/students, don't hesistant to ask.

VamPyroX - yea I've heard of JJ Pearce. I had a few friends who graduated from there. Where do you live now? What year did you graduate?
Cool... Welcome to AD! Enjoy your stay! :thumb:

I am teaching the ASL in ASL lab as part-time job at community college.
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf thistle2561! Hope you'll enjoy your stay as well as gaining useful information here...!