Hi I'm looking for help


New Member
Oct 24, 2005
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I am student at a Danish design school.. We have been given a task to develop deaf peoples abillity to use cell phones. Our customer is pure fiction, so I am not here to advertise. If you are inertested I would very much like to ask you a few questions or hear your opinion!!
I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, your English is a little unclear as to the point you are trying to convey.

Are you developing a cell phone that can be used by deaf people? Are you developing marketing campaigns for cell phones aimed at deaf people? Or are you developing some sort of technology which would make it easier for deaf people to use cell phones?

Please clarify.
Teresh said:
I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, your English is a little unclear as to the point you are trying to convey.

Are you developing a cell phone that can be used by deaf people? Are you developing marketing campaigns for cell phones aimed at deaf people? Or are you developing some sort of technology which would make it easier for deaf people to use cell phones?

Please clarify.

^^I don't know what you're talking about, their English is perfect.
They're clearly asking for help with a school project to design cell phones for deaf people. It's a school for designing things after all.
Visual information is important for deaf people.