

New Member
Feb 11, 2006
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Hi, i'm new here... I've managed to lose 50% of my hearing, i'm so careless!

(from Australia :cheers: )
you lost yours, too? check under the couch cusions! the first time i lost mine, i found it the next day behind the fridge. ;)

Welcome to ALLDeaf and enjoy your stay here ;)....
G'day jben,
Welcome to AD. Hope you'll have fun here. Whereabout in Australia do you hail from?
Cheers! :wave:
I'm in Melbourne too. My job (ha!) is to be a student at Monash University.
:wave: :welcome: to AllDeaf jben!!! I hope you are enjoying your stay on this forum, and meeting new members. Have fun posting and welcome aboard!! :dance2:
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf jben! Mind sharing with us AD'ers how you've been losing your hearing? Anyhow, hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD!! ;)
Well, it started when I was 21, doing my last year of high school (I got sick when I was 13, so, everything was shifted back a few years). It started in my left ear, I started to have problems understanding people in crowds (like in restaurants).

Then, over the next few weeks, I began to have trouble with both ears, with tinnitus in both. So, I went to my GP, then to the ENT and the audiologist. Had an MRI and stuff. They decided that I had a problem with my eighth cranial nerve, but, it wasn't a tumour or anything.

I'm 25 now, so it's been 4 years. It's gotten worse, slowly though. I have great difficulty understanding people in crowds, so I get by with lip reading mostly and trying to guess what they are talking about. It's also been getting harder to understand people in quiet environments.

So, yeah :)