hearing aid Tax credit.


New Member
Oct 29, 2005
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: I was wondering what people thought about the hearing aid tax credit Do u think it'll be beneficial. I think it'll be beneficial to those who might be in the middle of purchasing some hearing aids or need to keep them but may need adjustments. I do think a bill should be passedto require health insurance and medicaid to cover them. There's a proposal for a bill called S1060 is sitting in the senatefor a hearing aid tax credit ,but it needs a lot more people to psuh for it so that it can be considered as a big bill. What do you think? I also have a question- does anyone knowif cchlear implants are covered under insurance or medicare? fairymist
fairymist said:
I do think a bill should be passed to require health insurance and medicaid to cover them. There's a proposal for a bill called S1060 is sitting in the senatefor a hearing aid tax credit, but it needs a lot more people to push for it so that it can be considered a big bill. What do you think?fairymist

You've got my vote, hon! But, the reality is that insurance companies will not pay for this. It would be a good idea for them to do so, as many baby boomers are coming to the age when they realize that the music they listened to that they blared out of their car stereos has damaged their hearing and they're running like mad to either get hearing aids or CI's. Why not just turn down the music instead? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out! :doh: :roll: