HA and CI- sign language-ASL?


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Apr 29, 2003
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Senior Member posted 01-11-2003 09:27 AM

How to boost babies' brain power
Thursday, November 14, 2002 Posted: 3:20 PM EST (2020 GMT)

(CNN) -- More than 360,000 babies are born every day on the planet. Which one of them will grow up to be a future Shakespeare, find a cure for cancer or perhaps even prove Einstein wrong?

For a smarter baby, experts say it's not all in the books -- emotional development plays a big role in raising intelligent kids.

"We really need to change that historic dichotomy of cognition on the one hand, emotions on the other hand, and realize that our emotions are the fuel that gives rise to social behavior but also to different levels of intelligence," says Dr. Stanley Greenspan, a child development researcher at the George Washington University medical school.

Genetics also plays a role, but Greenspan says a baby's future is not
written in his DNA.

"Regardless of the history of IQ tests in the family, if I see nurturing, warm, interactive people who read emotional signals well and interact well, usually I see happy, competent and bright children," Greenspan says.

Besides parent-child interaction, there are other ways to increase baby brain power that have been in the spotlight recently:

• Breast-feeding is good for a baby -- and most experts say they believe it's also good for a baby's developing brain. Those who had been breast-fed for seven to nine months scored higher on IQ tests than those breast-fed for one month or less, according to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association in May.

• Listening to music was once thought to enhance math skills. A 1999 Harvard medical school analysis of more than a dozen studies doesn't support this claim, but music and dancing can be excellent ways to interact.

• Other research shows infants can learn basic sign language even before they speak. These infants appear to grow up a little smarter, but some experts say they think the benefit is due to increased parent-child interaction.

• Baby reading lessons are growing in popularity. The makers of video, books and flash cards aimed at the very young claim to sometimes have 2-year-olds reading simple children's books by themselves. Some experts support these programs, while others oppose them.

"If you do a little bit of looking at books with your children and inspire them to be curious about the pictures and ... what the word means, but don't get into very structured systematic teaching at too early an age," Greenspan says, "and you also interact emotionally and have fun with pretend play ... then you have the best of both worlds."

You cannot argue with me that it shows the fact about ASL itself that Deaf babies can achieve without devices if you mind. Thanks!

My whole point is that it doesnt matter if HA or CI devices help you to hear the sound, it still doesnt get you to be a hearing person anywhere without sign language. You are struggling in many ways as far as I know it so. My philosphy is that some people and their prejudice on Deaf children are failure because of their attitude. I look at it as a failure that some people dont have any respect for d/Deaf people who prefer to use our hands to communicate with that we can being ourselves as is.

Thats the whole perceptive that I am seeing what their attitude is always be the same routine over the years and years. So what do they want from us after all we did learned how to speak that they never satisfied for who we Deaf people are. They couldnt handle us at all while we can use the survival kits of orally speaking that is fine with me. However dont make us to use our deaf voices and speak all day long for their sakes.. They need to work and earn it from us that will have the two ways street. Thats all I can ask.

I just cant help but feel offended for the Deaf children who are implanted by their parents...whether their intentions are good or otherwise...That is just my strong opinion. ASL does everything...hearing people have body language...which is part of ASL whether they realize it or not and they can understand me if I use my body language. That is two way street....Tv has the body language too..but not radio. Do you understand what I mean?

Another example is babies...even though I cannot hear, I can understand what babies want and they dont cry much with me. No words need to be said. Thats a perfect example of two way street. With or without voice.

I disagree with Cloggy's quote. There are other ways besides written english that people arent aware of. People dont write in complete sentences anyways while communicating so I dont see the point.

Thank you!!

I gotta say ASL is not the language the baby learn in the beginning. It is BASIC language. Where was it that it said it was ASL? i didnt see?

Most parents are hearing so they don't know ASL but enough basic language enough to communicate with their babies and interact with them.
I've encouraged friends with children to teach their babies basic sign language until they are able to convey their needs/wants verbally. My own 2 1/2 year old nephew (who is hearing) was taught sign by my brother and his wife. While he doesn't use it as often now that he's started to speak, from the time he was just over a year old, he was signing "please, thank you, milk, cookie" and a bunch more.
so did my bro, my sis in law who i taught basic signs just enough to talk with the babies like milk, hungry, drink, pee, poo and other few signs.. now my nieces and my nephew know sign languages but not strong ASL due to the fact I dont use it but partly. One of my nieces did interpret for her deaf friend at school and is thinking of being an interpreter but not sure yet.. Nice of my niece. :D