Feeding issues with my deaf daughter.

Oh that's awesome that they're gonna continue the preschool programming.
And preschool for special needs kids can run for about four years......
deafskeptic, I read that they're consoildating the schools, and that's why the center for the multihandicapped is closing.
Quite frankly I think that they should KEEP the multihandicapped program open. It could serve as a public pediatric nursing home and a "group home" sort of place for kids with MR (some of whom have rather severe issues and can't live at home) Also, I mean I think that seperating the MR multihandicapped kids would be good, b/c it does take a lot of energy to educate those types of kids.
Hopefully the school won't close for awhile..........Ashely really does need the advantage of the specialized early intervention. Just general EI generally doesn't cut it too well.
I am hearing the same. I hope to be able to take advantage of their program. Off of the feeding topic. Do any parents have sleep issues with their little ones? Ashley hates to sleep as much as she hates to eat. She is a tough cookie. Very Stubborn!!!
I am hearing the same. I hope to be able to take advantage of their program. Off of the feeding topic. Do any parents have sleep issues with their little ones? Ashley hates to sleep as much as she hates to eat. She is a tough cookie. Very Stubborn!!!

My son was a sleep fighter. Keeping a strict bedtime routine seemed to help some. He refused to take naps after a year old though. He was a high energy kid that hated sleep. A lot of the time, it was just a matter of hanging on until he finally exhausted himself. It it helps, at all, once he hit those teenaged years, I couldn't get him to wake up!
I hope she grows out of it soon. The doctor gave her Valium to help and it does nothing!!! She still wakes up 2 or 3 times a night. She gets maybe 7 hours sleep. I get maybe 5 or 6. She will take a nap sometimes but not often. Oh well, all part of being a mommy. Thanks for giving me hope for the future. She is a busy girl. She even tosses and turns when she sleeps. They think this could be throwing her eating off too.
I hope she grows out of it soon. The doctor gave her Valium to help and it does nothing!!! She still wakes up 2 or 3 times a night. She gets maybe 7 hours sleep. I get maybe 5 or 6. She will take a nap sometimes but not often. Oh well, all part of being a mommy. Thanks for giving me hope for the future. She is a busy girl. She even tosses and turns when she sleeps. They think this could be throwing her eating off too.

I understand. My son was also a tosser and turner. And I had trouble getting him on an eating schedule because he never wanted to stop what he was doing to take time to sit and eat. I resolved that by givving him a lot of finger foods that he could eat on the go. I guess some kids just have too much to investigate!
Valium - makes me stay WIDE AWAKE, for hours. It has the opposite effect on me. Caffeine makes me very sleepy. I wonder if she's the same way...
Wow! I dont have any advice to offer cuz both of my kids are great sleepers. I hope u will get tons of advice from other people with the same experiences that u are experiencing and solve this problem.

I struggle with isomnia myself. To this day after 35 years, I cant sleep thru the night. Oh well.
Valium - makes me stay WIDE AWAKE, for hours. It has the opposite effect on me. Caffeine makes me very sleepy. I wonder if she's the same way...

Good point. I react differently to some meds, as well. And, Benedryl noramlly makes a kid sleep for hours, and my son would bounce off the walls if he took it!
It seems to take the edge off but not enough to make her want to sleep. She seems to absorb meds so fast. She bounces off the walls no matter what she has. One of those terrible 2 things maybe.
I am hearing the same. I hope to be able to take advantage of their program. Off of the feeding topic. Do any parents have sleep issues with their little ones? Ashley hates to sleep as much as she hates to eat. She is a tough cookie. Very Stubborn!!!

I have been having sleep issues with my oldest son for a long time now. Since he's autistic, he also has ADHD as well. He would not sleep through the night and only would wake up after having 3 or 4 hours of sleep at least and he'd go back to sleep for another 2 or 3 hours, so and on. It became a cycle. I was eventually exhausted by having these broken/short sleeps. So, Clondine was recommended and he's been on clodine for about 2 years now. Clondine helps so much and it's been helping him sleep regularly through the night. You might want to look into that - Just a suggestion. Some medication works, some don't. It varies.
I have been having sleep issues with my oldest son for a long time now. Since he's autistic, he also has ADHD as well. He would not sleep through the night and only would wake up after having 3 or 4 hours of sleep at least and he'd go back to sleep for another 2 or 3 hours, so and on. It became a cycle. I was eventually exhausted by having these broken/short sleeps. So, Clondine was recommended and he's been on clodine for about 2 years now. Clondine helps so much and it's been helping him sleep regularly through the night. You might want to look into that - Just a suggestion. Some medication works, some don't. It varies.

I will ask about that med with her doc. Thank you !! That sounds exactly like Ashley's sleep cycle too. She only sleeps for 4 to 5 hours at a time. I never get any rest or good rest any way. If you don't mind me asking how old is your son?
I will ask about that med with her doc. Thank you !! That sounds exactly like Ashley's sleep cycle too. She only sleeps for 4 to 5 hours at a time. I never get any rest or good rest any way. If you don't mind me asking how old is your son?

No problem. He's 8 years old. I hope it'll be a helpful insight for you and Ashley. Do keep us updated. :)
Cool. Thanks. She seems to sleep better if she naps early or at all. Things have not been so bad this week. She has been going to sleep with a full tummy too. I am sure that helps.