DPHH at Funway Cafe in Foxboro, MA


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2003
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Did anyone of you go there last night?? I did, I had a grand time! To tell you the truth, it was my first deaf event I've ever went in my life. I've socialized before, but not for the last 8 years. Some of them begged me to come back even new people said the same thing to me. Made me feel really good! I look forward to more DPHH in different places in Massachusetts.
I heard, it is alot of fun for the Deaf Social. I never had chance go there. It is only 15 mins for me to driving from my home.

I always worked on Fridays and Saturdays. One day, I will go there. Water Works in Quincy is so beautiful view the ocean for the Deaf Social. I advise you to going there in the summer.

You will love it.
Sabrina said:
I heard, it is alot of fun for the Deaf Social. I never had chance go there. It is only 15 mins for me to driving from my home.

I always worked on Fridays and Saturdays. One day, I will go there. Water Works in Quincy is so beautiful view the ocean for the Deaf Social. I advise you to going there in the summer.

You will love it.
Hope you'll get the chance to go to one of these events and perhaps we'll bump each other. ;) It'd be nice if we could and the same for others. I live just 45 minutes away from Funway Cafe. It seemed longer going there, but quicker going home. LOL

One question... would you happen to know or have a website for DPHH in Massachusetts? A friend of mine told me the url last night, but I couldn't find it in geocities (yahoo). I did the search, but no luck. I'd like to find out what's the plan for next month and every month. Yes, I also heard about Waterworks and am interested to go. :thumb:
Katzie said:
Hope you'll get the chance to go to one of these events and perhaps we'll bump each other. ;) It'd be nice if we could and the same for others. I live just 45 minutes away from Funway Cafe. It seemed longer going there, but quicker going home. LOL

One question... would you happen to know or have a website for DPHH in Massachusetts? A friend of mine told me the url last night, but I couldn't find it in geocities (yahoo). I did the search, but no luck. I'd like to find out what's the plan for next month and every month. Yes, I also heard about Waterworks and am interested to go. :thumb:

If I heard anything more events, I will let you know.