Deaf way III?


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Premium Member
Nov 20, 2006
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I recall about the Deaf way II < --- but is there a next Deaf way III? No?
^^^^ I have no idea abt DeafWay III if actually happen at Gallaudet...
I think it is time for another country to host it? What country is willing to host it?
Deaf way III?? Not till Gally out of the big storm theyre in and it may not be until after 2008. Unless it happens at calmer seas like say...CSUN?

Last time I heard, Japan and Canada have not make final bid to host Deaf Way III
Why deaf way? I am living in mainstream world. I heard about disability pride, jeez! we are just human beings!
so, you can understand mainstream's language?

well, my primary language is English and also oral. Every time I try to talk to hearing people, they do not even bother to face me directly. That doesn't mean that I am proud to be disabled. People need to be taught through education rather than showing pride.
well, my primary language is English and also oral. Every time I try to talk to hearing people, they do not even bother to face me directly. That doesn't mean that I am proud to be disabled. People need to be taught through education rather than showing pride.

ASL and English are different.

ASL and BSL are different after English.

Some people thought deaf's sign language is like if they're mad when you see their emotion face. It's not rude but in friendly as they don't realize it's culture. Have you meet other country they talk closer to your face in sad face but it's still friendly? ha
Deaf way III?? Not till Gally out of the big storm theyre in and it may not be until after 2008. Unless it happens at calmer seas like say...CSUN?


Huh? What troubles were they in? Mind give me a link to the information? I could not find anything when googled for it.
Um, guys? *waves*

Are you all going off topic? This is meant to be about deaf way III???? :deal:
Why deaf way? I am living in mainstream world. I heard about disability pride, jeez! we are just human beings!

Hey, Do you to listen about Deaf WayII in Washington D.C. before??
to me, YES!
I did heard about that. Deaf WayIII should be in Europe, but hard to decide about accept this place and where will get support for money? so I hope they wouldnt forget about Deaf WayIII. I am still waiting.
Why deaf way? I am living in mainstream world. I heard about disability pride, jeez! we are just human beings!

Trust me..Deaf Way is an awesome event...I was there for Deaf Way II...I was blown away! I prefer that over the mainstreamed world! U get to meet hundreds of people from all over the world in one week! What other event in the mainstreamed world has that other than the Olympics..hehehehe.
well, my primary language is English and also oral. Every time I try to talk to hearing people, they do not even bother to face me directly. That doesn't mean that I am proud to be disabled. People need to be taught through education rather than showing pride.

Hearing people are educated big time if they go to Deaf Way. Deaf way is a week event of different shows, events, deaf art is shown, and so much more.
Why deaf way? I am living in mainstream world. I heard about disability pride, jeez! we are just human beings!

And does the mainstream understand that the disabled are just human beings? I think not, or there would not be so much blatant discrimination going on with disabilities, and we would have no need for the ADA. These issues need to be brought to light, so that the mainstream sees something to counter their negative stereotypes.
Deaf Way II occured in 2002 - in Washington D.C, yes....I got a postcard from a friend who went there - they said they had an awesome time, and also I have been to the deaflympics in Melbourne, Australia = over 30,000 deaf people came down there....So I was wondering if you knew if there would be Deaf Way III as the previous event was 5 years ago.
Hey, Do you to listen about Deaf WayII in Washington D.C. before??
to me, YES!
I did heard about that. Deaf WayIII should be in Europe, but hard to decide about accept this place and where will get support for money? so I hope they wouldnt forget about Deaf WayIII. I am still waiting.

DC conference did not mention anything about DeafWay......