deaf products that you no longer use?


Active Member
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Does anyone have any products alert wise that you do not use anymore that you would like to get rid of for not too much or free and I pay shipping? Alarm clock is a biggie! lemme know :ty:
Does anyone have any products alert wise that you do not use anymore that you would like to get rid of for not too much or free and I pay shipping? Alarm clock is a biggie! lemme know :ty:

Looks that a good idea! If the shipping fee has a discount or the price is extremely low? How do you think?
Hold up a sign that says ALLDEAF ROCKS (or something like that), take a picture and post it here, and I'll send you an alert product of your choice from Harris Communications. :aw:
aww thanks alex I will make great poster and take a picture and post it:)
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You're welcome, girl. Look forward to seeing the picture. :)
The only deaf product I have that I don't use is a TTY from 20 years ago. :)