Deaf Perspective-Favorite/ Aspects of a Film


New Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Hi, I've been browsing these forums for a while, and decided to finally register. I hope this first post isn't too long and boring.

I'm a hearing child in a deaf family, my parents, brother, and relatives are deaf. I'm currently taking time off before I go to film school next year, im mainly just working and in the process of writing a short film. My family (especially father) are all movie buffs. They rent movies frequently, and go to open caption screenings whenever they are available. I need to produce a short film before school and I really want to make something targeted directly to a deaf audience, something my family and friends can really enjoy. I've seen a couple films revolving around a deaf plot or deaf protagonist but they all still seem to be made just like every movie, but with subtitling. I know the majority of stuff that makes a movie good is the same for deaf and hearing people and a lot is just indivual preference, but I wanted to ask the forum:

when you watch movies, are there some things that you really enjoy/ really make the movie more understandable, are there things that really are annoying or frustrating, are there "deaf cliches" you are tired of seeing, do you prefer captioning or signing if it is clear enough, what are some of your favorite movies and why?, what are some topics or stories you would like to see told, just any insight you could give about things you enjoy in films or wish you would see more in films would be a huge help to me and it'd be awesome to get a better perspective. Basically, when you watch a normal movie, what aspects are missing to make the movie completely watchable/enjoyable to the deaf?

Thanks in advance!