Deaf and dumb want constitution restart


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Apr 18, 2004
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Deaf and dumb want constitution restart

Following the exclusion of people with speech and hearing impairment out of the constitution writing process, the National Association for the Care of the Handicapped (NASCOH) has called upon Copac to revisit areas which the outreach teams have completed and target people living with disability who up to now have been left out from the process. (Pictured: Minister of Constitutional Affairs Eric Matinenga professed ignorance that the deaf and dumb had been excluded.)

According to NASCOH there are 500 000 people in the country who are either deaf or dumb or both, but have not been considered after Copac failed to enlist the aid of interpreters.

For three weeks now COPAC has been gathering people's views through the outreach teams, which have already completed obtaining views from several districts of the country, but virtually ignoring the deaf and dumb as they did not have interpreters. This was despite the fact that COPAC had a clause that should cater for people with special needs during the outreach phase.
NASCOH Director Farai Mukuta said they had been a total blackout on the constitutional making process for people who were deaf or dumb and therefore there was need to revisit certain areas.

"We want Copac to honour its promise of providing funds for the deaf and dumb, so that we would go to provinces and get the views of the people who were left out during the constitution outreach meetings. We want to revisit all these areas in order to get the views of the people who are physically impaired.

Farai Makuta added that this exclusion from the all important constitution writing process was a major concern.

"We have been given promises by Copac that there are going to include the deaf and dumb, we however have not been included. If Copac has challenges in finding interpreters we are ready to give them 50 interpreters.

The Minister of Constitutional Affairs Eric Matinenga professed ignorance that the deaf and dumb had been excluded.

"I am not aware of that. If it is true then it is unfortunate if there is no provision for the inclusion of the deaf and dumb, Copac will however accept help (of the interpreters) if it is in the interest of the nation.”