Deaf Advocacy Foreshock


New Member
Jun 4, 2004
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Last night I participated in a deaf advocacy strategy meeting involving 18 deaf and disability advocates in the west coast and we have all agreed to an interesting finding;

Deaf people are deeply focused on VRS and Sidekicks, nothing else matters to them not even deaf rights.

Because of this finding, deaf communities have demonstrated little support of deaf service agencies and organizations that promote deaf rights. Technology has been replacing a lot of things deaf advocates offer.

This could become a foreshock of a major groundshake on deaf rights.

Richard Roehm
Nesmuth said:
Last night I participated in a deaf advocacy strategy meeting involving 18 deaf and disability advocates in the west coast and we have all agreed to an interesting finding;

Deaf people are deeply focused on VRS and Sidekicks, nothing else matters to them not even deaf rights.

Because of this finding, deaf communities have demonstrated little support of deaf service agencies and organizations that promote deaf rights. Technology has been replacing a lot of things deaf advocates offer.

This could become a foreshock of a major groundshake on deaf rights.

Richard Roehm

Can you clarify what you mean about Deaf people deeply focusing on Sidekicks????
Deaf people are deeply focused on VRS and Sidekicks, nothing else matters to them not even deaf rights.

I would prefer to have a link to back up on this statement. Thank you kindly. :)
Nesmuth said:
Last night I participated in a deaf advocacy strategy meeting involving 18 deaf and disability advocates in the west coast and we have all agreed to an interesting finding;

Deaf people are deeply focused on VRS and Sidekicks, nothing else matters to them not even deaf rights.

Because of this finding, deaf communities have demonstrated little support of deaf service agencies and organizations that promote deaf rights. Technology has been replacing a lot of things deaf advocates offer.

This could become a foreshock of a major groundshake on deaf rights.

Richard Roehm

This doesn't surprise me. In what other time in history have deaf people been able to readily HAVE their rights taken care of?

What are they worried about? Are they really worried about not getting equal access these days? No! They can sue anyone who blocks them out into the ground!

Are they worried about not being educated enough? No! They can sue anyone who puts them down into the ground!

Are they worried about not being able to communicate in the world? YES! The world has taken off and deaf people are being left behind! They can't sue because there's no one to sue! No wonder they're so focused on VRS and Wireless!

So, therefore, Richard, these 18 disability rights experts you have been meeting with, all have the wrong perspective -- they need to serve deaf people the way the deaf people want to be served. They WANT you to help them get the best VRS and Wireless services. They don't NEED your help on what YOU think is best for them.

The old guard of "Deaf President Now" protests for equal rights has gone by the wayside. There is no need to try to relive the glory of the old days of fighting for something no one will pay attention to. Go earn your glory fighting for VRS and Wireless services.

Maybe it's time that those disability rights experts either adapt or die off instead of whining that "this is a major foreshock on an earthquake of deaf rights."
Of course there's going to be sad folks here on AD who choose to take the back seat on the deaf rights game. Nothing more humorous than what I see here.

Kind of hard to stay in the advocacy game if no one cares for the kind of advocacy you do. You need to be able to serve a certain number of clients to continue to win grants, right? If no one needs your kind of services, advocacy clients will go elsewhere and the funding dollars you need will dry up.

Richard, if the "VRS and Sidekicks" phenomenon is so out of control, why haven't you done something to take advantage of it?
Dennis said:
Kind of hard to stay in the advocacy game if no one cares for the kind of advocacy you do. You need to be able to serve a certain number of clients to continue to win grants, right? If no one needs your kind of services, advocacy clients will go elsewhere and the funding dollars you need will dry up.

Richard, if the "VRS and Sidekicks" phenomenon is so out of control, why haven't you done something to take advantage of it?

Dennis has got you there, Nesmuth. Care to give a great rebuttal back? I'd love to hear from you because this is the start of a wonderful debate here.

Granted, there are certain d/Deaf people that do not need certain individuals that advertise repeatedly about VRS and Sidekicks. :)
Nesmuth said:
Of course there's going to be sad folks here on AD who choose to take the back seat on the deaf rights game. Nothing more humorous than what I see here.


Richard, in this post and other posts, I have asked you to clarify but you never responded. How am I going to understand you if you only make sweeping, generalizing and vague statements about d/D people without backing up with valid facts?

Hence, I can only come to a conclusion that you like to throw out your opinions without explaining to us. If you are an advocate as you claim to be, I would have thought you would take more time and patience to explain to us who are not wholly into this field as you are but wanting to learn more. Isnt that what an advocate is for?
Dennis said:
Richard, if the "VRS and Sidekicks" phenomenon is so out of control, why haven't you done something to take advantage of it?

I have.

HOVRS sponsored our VRS demonstration last and this year at the county fair. We partnered with a cingular store at a strip mall to offer Sidekicks.

Meg said:
Richard, in this post and other posts, I have asked you to clarify but you never responded. How am I going to understand you if you only make sweeping, generalizing and vague statements about d/D people without backing up with valid facts?

Hence, I can only come to a conclusion that you like to throw out your opinions without explaining to us. If you are an advocate as you claim to be, I would have thought you would take more time and patience to explain to us who are not wholly into this field as you are but wanting to learn more. Isnt that what an advocate is for?

Meg, I applaud you for you POV. You speak with such clarification because you were ever so patient and waited for Nesmuth to respond. I have asked Nesmuth to respond and I waited but he responded using the same manner. I honestly feel people are well-deserving of the truth and nothing else than that.

As an advocate, one must inform the community with information, links to websites & pamphlets, not false information. To truly advocate about a cause, one would really discuss wholly into the cause.. body, soul and mind. Tossing POVs left and right does not help about the cause that one advocates about, it actually weakens one's cause.

Nesmuth, I would really appreciate if you would be true to your cause and share more information with fellow ADers. After all, we are asking for clarification, thank you kindly. :)
Nesmuth said:
I have.

HOVRS sponsored our VRS demonstration last and this year at the county fair. We partnered with a cingular store at a strip mall to offer Sidekicks.

Clients come and go, unlike the competition, we fix their problems in 1 or 2 appointments and then they go on with their lives. A state funded deaf organization nearby takes 20-25 appointments to get a similar problem taken care of.

Doesn't sound like you're addressing the "VRS and Sidekick" issue as a deaf ADVOCATE. You're approaching this from a budget starved organization perspective.

You're taking advantage of it by getting sponsorships, sure, but you're not making it something that COULD POTENTIALLY GET YOU GRANT MONEY. Think outside the box here, man. You could be the #1 authority on advocacy rights involving "VRS and Sidekicks."

Instead, you're putting down others and their opinions in an effort to get them on YOUR track of thinking about advocacy, what YOU think is best for everyone else. People like that usually become politicians and utter phrases like, "Think of the children!"

Hey, this is the first time that I've ever seen advocacy organizations refer to other advocacy organizations as "the competition." Whoo. Cutthroat world out there, Richard.
Right on Richard!

Hovrs sponserd our booth at the OC Fair for our VRS demos, and they are doing it again this year.
We are a deaf advocacy agency that is for not only for deaf peoples rights, but for the rights of all people.
Dir. of Communication Services
My opinion, we do not need bad advocate. I do not like the way Richard so focus on Sorenson. I believe we do need SK and VRS, and we do not limit ourselves just to SK and VRS.
As of right now, having SK and VRS breaks down barrier between hearing and deafies and that is big step right toward to equal communicate between hearing and deafies. Why SK so important, I have good point! with SK you can send text message to almost any cell phone! That breaks barrier between deafies and hearing! I used them before with my ex supervisor! It works so great! Should I forget SK? NO WAY! Secondly, with VRS, it benefits to hearing people and deaf as well! Why? Hearing people gets annoying with slow speed conversation though TTY relay, and often misunderstand more than though VRS. That is why I love VRS, and I see it as major step in getting together between deafies and hearing.

I am sick of you, richard bashing against Sorenson! What I have tried to tell you as if you want good advocate, you need to have positive support for HOVRS, HamiltonVRS, maybe Sprint (CSD). Forget about Sorenson, they will be there to stay! No question!
I would have support you all the way if you quit being so negative and make so much deal with FCC! your bashing DOES scare people away, you show yourself as MR. Negative and will crush somebody rather than being good advocate.
Whatever happened to the definition of ego? And why was the 2nd graft of my post removed?

I and as well we all can forget about Sorenson. I have no problem with that.

In order to be a "legit" Deaf advocate group that professes about a cause, one must provide links and valid information instead of giving information out of the air. How can other people know the information is valid and the Deaf advocate group is "legit"?
Perhaps youre not reading the post well. Perhaps you need to pay close attention to what I said at the first post. And the last 2 posters are not members of frontline disability groups that are the first to find things, they do not do the research, they do not do the surveys, they do not analyze the results, they do not do anything else but bang on their keyboards looking for invalidating fodder.


and see he acts like a old man who lectures his wee wee RMFE

neusmith, seriously if u want to do this and help other poeple then SHUT UP and provide us the proof OR just lock this thread and accept your defeat!
Cookie Monster said:
In order to be a "legit" Deaf advocate group that professes about a cause, one must provide links and valid information instead of giving information out of the air. How can other people know the information is valid and the Deaf advocate group is "legit"?

What do you expect from one who carries a blunderbuss? Lol....