Congressman introduces bill to protect citizens who wideotape cops

It is sad that we must have laws put into place protecting the rights that are already granted to us as American citizens under our constitution. F--- the police.
Better to wonder if the bill will make it a crime for a citizen to have a video that will help the cops be cleared or catch a criminal and the citizen will not show it to the cops but keep it to themself. To often, these citizens try to make a buck off the video by selling it to "news" originizations and that messes up the jury trail by corruption of the public knowledge.
Well, it is better to have a video of what is happening with the police officers and the people who were being abused. I think the person who video should show it to the lawyer about it instead of putting on the news or papers. If they don't video, how are we going to get witnesses to prove what the police officers are doing to the citizens whether they are good or bad people. It need evidence as prove and not show reasonable doubt. So I hope the bill will pass to protect the citizens who have a right to video any action that happen for prove of wrongdoing. :fingersx:
I would support that, Cops themselves have done survillence plenty of times, why can't citizens do the same thing?