Condoms Delivered by Ambulance to Waiting Lovers


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
May 26, 2004
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I just thought this was interesting, and you may also.

(Stockholm)--- It's three a.m. and you are getting amorous with a hot new date when you realize you don't have a condom. Do you risk it anyway, or just say good night and just go home?
For Swedes there is now a third option. Call the emergency line 696969 and an ambulance will race to your location with protection...

Wow, I am impressed. The Swede government is truly taking this seriously and provides a service to its constituents..!
Whoa! hard to believe.

696969 ???? :jaw:
I think that is so great!! It would help to prevent from getting aids, herpes, STDS or any other diseases.

I read the last paragrahph that there is rapidly spreading for young who haves it.. I don't blame for that.. Hope it certainly helps to reduce the numbers of percents of youngs who have it.

Too bad it is not in USA. :(
Wow, I'm impressed.....It would be nice if one of my boys grew up calling their mom and say ' I need one '....I would be happy to get in the car and zoomed over and drop off a condom....but then again, it depending if he is old enough heh!
Awww, Angel, somehow I get the feeling that it will not be necessary, you are thinking ahead and I hug ya for that!
No doubt there will be a lot of "haters" responding to this post, saying Well, why didn't those lazy fags have a condom anyway, etc etc.
I just want to point out that in an EMERGENCY, it would be nice to have help.
With your constant help though, Angel, there would be no such emergency.
Keep up the good job, we all learn and learn and learn.

I wouldn't mind USA havign one make poeple think twice and etc!
:laugh2: Interesting and it's good to hear that there's one in place for prevention and pleasure. :D
but isnt it embarrasing........just go to a 7-11 or store to get one.......ay.... also i would like to volunteer to be the ambulance driver so I would know who is bonking oh my god, i just saw that guy few days ago with a blonde, now he is caling for condoms for a OH OH what if you saw your best's friend man/woman with someone else.......