Blondes or not ?


New Member
Apr 16, 2003
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I been look into movies back in 1900's to now. I was wonder what men would like in women's color hair.

Let me tell you my example:

I used to know quote of Jane Russell "Gentleman Prefers Blondes" in the movie with Marilyn Monroe. My dad love blonde girls but he marry my mom brownish hair. Strange ? I was wonder why men like blondes ?? Is it sexy ?? Is it cute ?? Is it turn on ??

Many times, I noticed those movies in black and white... mostly women blondes (white looking) ie: Mae West, Jayne Mansfield or Marlilyn Monroe act/post.. why not brownish or redish ?? Now, all are women matter to men but why BLONDES important to men ?

Now, I see ^Angel^, Cheri or DreamDeaf here in AllDeaf...who are blondes

Any commets ?? Come on, not be shy!

(MOD: If I put this up in wrong thread then please move it somewhere else.. thank you)
Well, for some reason I always found the red-haired gals attractive and pretty. I dunno why... I just did.

Other than red-haired gals, colors aren't matter to me. So far, I tend to date or hang out with brunette-haired gals. I dated only one blonde-haired gal but short time.

Morgan Webb is a woman that I used to be crazy about before I met Nas. In case if anyone don't know who she is, here's picture:


Her red-hair color hooked me in. Even though it was just dyed. So I cannot answer your question about why men tend to chase after blonde gals. [hide from Nas] Red-haired gals rock!
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It was a fad in the 1920 (Mae West, Marilyn Monroe) when one may buy the dye product without doing some damage to their hair (before that, people would dye and accidently ended up with green hair!)... and it just stuck like whiteness on rice.
You could blame it on the society-- blondness has been pinned on "gorgeous ladies" like Monroe and the men who saw those women as their "ideal women" since they were the sex symbols/idols... these men passed on their concepts of what a perfect woman should be like onto their sons and these sons also carried on the dream onto the next generation and further on...

Today the frenze about blondness is reinforced with Pamela Lee Anderson (Um, just Anderson, right?) and those porn stars like um Jenna something... The vicious cycles of perixode blondes! Curse on them for putting the stigma on those persons who are naturally blonde! I speak from my own experiences!

I am removing the social stigma of being a stereotypical dumb blonde by appearing as a red-head! I did mention in another thread about how differently the people approach and talk to me as a blonde versus me as a red-head. I notice a significant number of people respect me more when I am red-haired. Sad, but true. People are buying the idea that blonde girls are dumb et cetera... it is all because of those "fake blondes" who dyed too much chemicals which seep through their scalp that lost several brain cells every time they retouch! (I shouldn't say this since I am a hypocrite for accusing those who dye when I am also a perixode red-head.. haha!)
Unfortunately my blonde roots show up whenever I don't retouch my hair... I do recognize the irony for dreading the blonde roots when it is the most popular and favorite haircolor. The curly-haired people want to straighten their hair while the straight-haired people want curls. I want to be a brunette, redhead, green-hair-- anything but blonde, hence the non-blondes want to be a blonde!

It is just one of those popular faux pas that will never go away... :D
Ive been a blonde all my life - only once did I attempt to dye my hair a different color, and it turned out to be the ORANGE you see on yield of way signs...never again!

Lately, I have been thinking about dyeing my hair (professionaly, of course!) to a more sedate burnette and see where it goes...but I'm wondering if a certain someone would whack my bottom for doing it!

Interesting... nothing wrong with men hooked any color hair women had. I was wondering because the way they think about bloude women... I had frost hair few times. I had enough because it make me look like 13 year old! :lol:

And I prefer to call those hairs on ur head "blonde moment" hair!!!

Heh...smiles. Love it no matter what.
DreamDeaf -- yeah lot of blonde moments on my head. *rme*

I just remember I had bleached my hair and it become ORANGE but it gone for few days...

I was kid, had blonde till 15 yr old... it change to light brown now.

Well, no one get this thread correctly so guess the world are foucs on women with personals or looks ?? Give me a hollar!
I shaved that orange hair off my head that time. No way was I going to go around with that hair!!!

Ive always had blonde hair all my life, but it does change every season...*rme*... in summer it becomes BLONDE, almost honey - in winter it becomes a winter blonde, almost white blonde...go figure.