Astronaut Faces Military Prosecution


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Board To Decide If Woman Should Be Discharged, Get Pay Grade

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- A love-scorned astronaut who drove from Texas to Florida in 2007 wearing a diaper was in Jacksonville on Thursday morning facing possible military prosecution.

Lisa Nowak wore her Navy dress whites and sat quietly next to her attorneys as two Navy attorneys recommended the board, made up of three admirals, give her an "other than honorable" discharge and reduce her retirement pay grade.

The defense was asking that Nowak not be discharged and her pay remain the same.

The board cannot punish Nowak with dishonorable discharge or jail time.

The board was expected to make a ruling Thursday. It will serve as a recommendation to the secretary of the Navy, who will make the final decision.

Navy lawyers presented evidence Thursday from the February 2007 case in which Nowak admitted to confronting an Air Force captain and pepper spraying her.

Lawyers were able to produce the pepper spray, a wig Nowak admitted wearing, a steel mallet, BB gun, knife and rubber tubing police said they found in her bag or near the scene.

Astronaut Faces Military Prosecution - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville
lol i so figured this would be about her from the title. yeahhh that was an interesting story...