Application Questionnaires


New Member
Jun 16, 2006
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How do you fill out your questionnaires that some places have online? You know those long questions about how you are? Like, "if someone steals, it's okay not to tell anyone" or "I am super friendly, I get along with everyone."

I know that being honest will probably not get you an interview. Sometimes I don't know how to answer questions that aren't realistic like, "I am super friendly" or "Once in awhile, I don't fee like working." You know?

I don't like those quetionnaires. I think they should be illegal. I have seen message boards online about it from people who say you have to lie. Plus, those places you apply you, you don't find the perfect people ever. I have applied at the mall recently, and they had tons of questions about being comfortable selling to people, but you never see those super comfortable people selling at the malls.

I want a real petition to stop this crap from being legal in workplaces. They are stressful and unrealistic.

How do you handle those questions? Is it okay to lie in them?
They have those reasons so they know what kind of person they're hiring. It also helps them determine if you're patient and took the time to read everything.

I've taken those tests before... "Do you often think that people are out to get you?" "Do you get mad easily?" "Do people make you mad easily?" "Do you care about other people?"

If they didn't include those questions, they could be hiring someone who could pose a risk to their company or someone who doesn't even fit their preference of employees.

These questions are not related to discrimination since they are not related to your gender, your race, your handicap, etc.
I know they are not related to disability, but what if you're not so happy and shiny like certain people, but you can still do the job well?

Do you think people are out to get you? :roll: I know certain mental disorders have this, but still...I don't know how reliable those tests are. One don't know what's behind all this in human resources.

Someone mentioned that you either answer strongly agree or strongly disagree that in between won't work.
you have to tell the truth for who you are. For example, Best buy application, it asks me if one of our employees to steal a thing and should I report to the boss? I said NO because I want to tell the truth for who I am and they will hire me. Anyone answered perfectly wont GET you a job because everyone knows there is no perfect human.
LOL, I have gotten interviews by answering perfect. That's why it's so silly. I answered it honestly at Wal-Mart once, and the screen said that I was not the person they are looking for, so I couldn't apply again for a couple of months. What?!

I have read in another message board about this. A guy answered it very honestly and didn't get a call. He then answered it differently with another name opposite of him, and he got a call! Someone was explaining that when you finish, the department get a print out of it and it has a red yellow and green light on it. If it's green, you are good to hire.

I hate the strongly agree or strongly disagree. It's D-U-M-B.

It's a mystery. Nobody know what the real purpose of this is.

I don't think anyone know if this is really used legitimately.

I talk about this to see if someone truly knows anything.
you have to tell the truth for who you are. For example, Best buy application, it asks me if one of our employees to steal a thing and should I report to the boss? I said NO because I want to tell the truth for who I am and they will hire me. Anyone answered perfectly wont GET you a job because everyone knows there is no perfect human.
If an employee stole something, you won't report it to your boss?

They would definitely turn you down for that answer.
I recalled one of thread that one AD member under American with Disabilty Act forum. It's about Walmart job application and suggested white lie on Online application Questionnaire and get hired cuz it make no difference if you're honest or not. Boss have to see who you really are rather than online application questionaire.

I'm old fashioned guy who like face to face interview that was back in heydey. I got hired quickly after interview cuz I asked Boss, when should I start? I trapped them and it works every times. :giggle:

Today, my methods sucks big. I ever wonder when I retire from my Government job, I would still want work part time or full time on any job. I bet that I would have to learn all over again doing Online applicaton questionnaires and learn the trick how to get them to hire me. Maybe I could find a trick, tips and hack to get me hired :giggle:
