All parties are backing London gay museum


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Apr 5, 2003
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Dispatch from the U.K.

Meanwhile, all the contending candidates for mayor of London are endorsing a proposal to open a gay museum there. The museum would recognize and celebrate Britain's "secret history" of homosexuality. It would include accounts of "molly houses" -- the gay bars of the 18th century -- up to activist materials from the recent campaign against Section 28. Here's what Steve Norris, the Tory (conservative) mayoral candidate had to say, "It's part of the way in which we show London to be a welcoming and enjoyable society . . . There's so much history which is both amusing -- around the Mardi Gras and Gay Pride march -- and desperately serious, like the Admiral Duncan pub bombing and the trial of Oscar Wilde. You could make a genuinely interesting piece of social history documenting one of the most interesting, challenging and difficult social transformations in many generations." A gay rights activist suggests the museum should be located at the former Bow Street police station in Covent Garden, where Oscar Wilde was held after his arrest in 1895. Read the full story on The Guardian:,11711,1232

We can't wait for New York to place a historical marker where The Mineshaft used to be.
Good...:D At least, this is a start -- of course, it's been a slow process in accepting gays and lesbians as part of our lives...same way as blacks were accepted slowly back in the 1950's to 1970's. :)