adultfriendfinder banner seen elsewhere outside adult only..


Active Member
Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score

thought you would want to know that when one do "find all threads by this person" function and you see a banner ad by adultfriendfinder. Although, doing "find all pots by this person" show google ads.

maybe you need to edit something so that AFF banner don't show up in place where it should not be seen but just in adult only section.

I 2nd the notion!

its inapporiate in certain areas, even in the posters area or if we are looking at a picture thats gonna show up too!
I third it too. I find it annoying when I click on some areas of AD and I see boobs and butt plastered all over the top of the screen when my children are on my lap or they're looking at the computer, and I'm not even in the adult section.
oh wow a leaky vulgar banner ad eh. wow it leaked all over eh. :D
I am with u on is annoying when it appears and my daughter is around.
Was there one particular person that you were looking at?

Perhaps, that person had recently created a bunch of sex or dating threads... Google saw the most frequently used keywords and posted ads for it?
Was there one particular person that you were looking at?

Perhaps, that person had recently created a bunch of sex or dating threads... Google saw the most frequently used keywords and posted ads for it?

No. just general threads, like in CI theads, or pets, etc.
LOL @ Nesmuth's response.

Ok, uhm, where exactly are you seeing these AFF banners? The way I wanted was for the AFF banner to show only in the Adults Only forum. I noticed that sometimes when I click on NEW POSTS, the AFF banner appears when Google ads are not present. Not sure how that happened but I'll take a look.

WildHunt, are you positive about seeing those AFF ads in CI and Pets threads? I looked around and don't see any.
Yes, very positive. The next time I see those ads outside of the adult forum, I'll take a screencap and send it your way.
LOL @ Nesmuth's response.

Ok, uhm, where exactly are you seeing these AFF banners? The way I wanted was for the AFF banner to show only in the Adults Only forum. I noticed that sometimes when I click on NEW POSTS, the AFF banner appears when Google ads are not present. Not sure how that happened but I'll take a look..

I saw it after I logged on. ;)
Alex, I took a screen shot on top of alldeaf after login, through your email. Hope you got it. ;)
Those ads were removed completely.
