a question regarding to gay/lesbain

My sort of best friend is gay and I know him since we were little kids. I respect him the way he is. He don't act a gay. He told me that he has been exploring and finding young men around 20s and a few 30s. He is 32. He found them on chat onlines. Several guys like him. I told him that he should not fool around finding and playing with every different ones. He told me that he is whore, not for money. I cannot tell him what to do because he is adult. He had a blood test and his result came out negative - no aids. Isn't that normal for a gay to disadvantage several gay people for sexual pleasures? I just stunned the way they do, but of course I respect them.
People are afraid of GLBTQQI because the orienations of the GLBTQQI challenges the VERY fundamental social norms where the woman stays home, cooks the meals, raises the children while being pregnant, then gives their husband blowjobs just because HE brings the money to the household.

For the gay male to give another male a blowjob and he doesn't even raise any children-- how the hell it work IN THAT FUNDAMENTAL social norm?! There cannot be TWO income-earners in a household! It is absurd for many people-- one is the head of household. Two gay men will claw eachother's eyes out just to be the head of the household. (the "narrow-minded" perpective) Thus the gay males are more likely to be bashed PHYSICALLY due to the threat the men feel from gay males-- "He will grope me! He will hit on me" yak yak those naraccistic paranoia of a homophobic heterosexual male. The heterosexual man doesn't want a gay man to determine their sexual orientation-- "A gay man just touch me... I am gay now! OH GOD NO!"

For the lesbian women to live independently WITHOUT a man bringing the bacon home, it is a shock for many men and brainwashed women. THose brainwashed women start to freak out that their lesbian "sisters" now will go after them when in the reality it doesn't mean that the lesbian sister will grope your sorry narrow-minded ass. The women feel that they are now on their defenses on ALL grounds to prevent themselves becoming a sexual object for the men and WOMEN as well (after all the women have been suffered as sex objects for men to manipulate)....so they feel insecure, vulnerable, and upset-- that a lesbian sister is not doing her "godly duty of procreating".... What the fuck are you talking about?? Have you ever heard of artifical sermination??? The heterosexual couples are doing it-- DO YOU SEE THE INFERTILE WOMAN AS A LESBIAN IF SHE CANNOT GET PREGNANT?!
The ability of giving birth doesn't reflect on your sexual orientation. A gay couple can adopt a child-- and a lesbian can give birth to a child. THE ABILITY OF PROCREATING IS NO LONGER NECESSARY TO CONFIRM SELVES AS "NORMAL"!

It all bolts down to the society's paranoia of anything that is different and radical... The society is neophobic at best.
webexplorer said:
My sort of best friend is gay and I know him since we were little kids. I respect him the way he is. He don't act a gay. He told me that he has been exploring and finding young men around 20s and a few 30s. He is 32. He found them on chat onlines. Several guys like him. I told him that he should not fool around finding and playing with every different ones. He told me that he is whore, not for money. I cannot tell him what to do because he is adult. He had a blood test and his result came out negative - no aids. Isn't that normal for a gay to disadvantage several gay people for sexual pleasures? I just stunned the way they do, but of course I respect them.

He is probably trying to embrace his gay identity by doing the most stereotypical thing attributed to the gayness--

Or that he is just that person who sleeps around. I mean, you will say the same about a "loose" girl who takes advantage of some men who are looking for some love. Or vice versus-- a guy who takes advantage of love-sick girls.
It is not because he is gay that he sleeps around.
SpiceHD said:
by the way.. PLEASE no insults... im trying to understand people who are trying to put lesbain and gay people down and why?

Childhood programming, like gnarlydorkette spoke of. People are taught in a certain way, with either positive or negative reinforcement. Authority figures in our lives seem to have a significance influence on us; whether we think of them positively or not. I say, we.. because I can't deny that I was "programmed" as a child either. What we do after this moment is purely our choices, though. We can only learn more about ourselves, why we believe the things we do and if there is some grain of truth to these things.
Well, he has own house for five years. I noticed that all of his windows do not have a shade. He invited his bf to his house at night for pleasure like his service with an appointment. I told him to buy some shades, and he didn't feel like buying them. He has plenty of money. His parents still do not know that he is gay since HS. Oh brother!
Gay Culture needs overhaul

Sounds he's got some issues!

A lot of gay men I knew, when they came out, they thought
that being gay was all just about sex and stuff, so that is
what they did.

But many of them, years later, say to me that they wish
they knew they did not have to do those things to be gay,
and that they don't wnat to do this anymore, they just
want to find a good man and get married.

I think the gay culture in some ways is too obsessed
with sex, and this is a problem.

(I'm queer, not anti-gay, and I know what I am talking about,
and I'm not being discriminatory. I think there IS a problem,
especially when you throw in AIDS and Crystal Meth).