A question about a website...

LuciaDisturbed said:
Oooh. I thought that was for "internet"?

Apparently it is, but they are basicly the same thing ("internet" and "online")... like you could say "I'm on the internet" or you could say "I'm online"
guido said:
Since in ASL one sign may represent several different words and meanings, it is sometimes necessary to use English to display a proper title or be specific.

Yes. If I were interpreting the concept of being online, probably I would use the INTERNET sign people have described here. If I were signing the title of that website, I'd probably fingerspell it or sign ON-LINE.

I guess my point was that it seems odd to introduce an ASL course with a signed English gloss. It just struck the wrong tone with me. Better the guy signed a short welcome in true ASL.

It reminds me of all those "ASL gifts" that have English words spelled out in a little fingerspelling font. They're cute but they're not really ASL (unless the word being printed is a proper name which doesn't have an associated sign). Like things with M-O-T-H-E-R spelled out on them. It just bugs me, I don't really know why.