A New Section?


New Member
Feb 16, 2005
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Can we have a new private section for rants on personal issues?

In this section we can put advice for other members. Another could post about personal issues. Then the creator of the thread. Will not have to worry about flaming or rude comments. Simple way to view it is if you don't want to offer advice stay out of that section completely. One new rule will need to be implied for that forum - Any flaming or discussion outsde of that forum is gounds for ban.
so like...a place where u dont have to worry about being banned for what u say?
We did propose this several times in the past and it was actually a flaming thread when it was proposed. I recall proposing this once in a thread and it was a flaming one too as well.

My main concern is that there are some members that lack the consideration of others' feelings for self-serving purposes just to flame a thread. For example, a member will go to the private section, search for a personal issue, misread/miscontrue a quote and attack the poster at a later date when the quote was related about another incident in real life.

There are certain members here that do lack comprehension and will keep on flaming & baiting and provoking people. The sad thing is that, the person that does all of this has no common sense. It'd be a fruitless effort.

If you really want to express your personal feelings, issues, you're better off talking to close friends you trust. Just my two cents....
with a new section like this, there would be a very thin line between u know, getting heated and calling someone an asshole. and getting heated and making a racial comment.

but it would be a good idea because in the Flaming section u could go off on anything u wanted. like when myself and others have created a "rant" thread it wouldn't be in the General Chat. it would be put in the Flaming Section, leaving the other section drama free.
No not for flamming. More like a room to vent or bitch about life. A place where members can get things off their chests WITHOUT being tormented. Like in this thread I flamed click The posts were deleted. I was just tired of all the whining on the forum. I took it out on some one with a problem. I shouldn't have. In this new forum there will be no flaming. Only the members that want to HELP other members should go there. If a member goes to flame. That member should be punished. Since they went there for trouble if they start flaming...
kind of like an open diary/help section where u can vent ur problems or try and help other's with theirs.
I have to agree with Cookie. A private rant forum would NOT work here. We have too many people here who wouldn't be able to handle a forum like that. It takes a certain level of trust and a maturity level high enough to be able to give proper respect to this, and I really don't think we have it here.

Nice thought CC, but no. It wouldn't work here.
Oceanbreeze said:
I have to agree with Cookie. A private rant forum would NOT work here. We have too many people here who wouldn't be able to handle a forum like that. It takes a certain level of trust and a maturity level high enough to be able to give proper respect to this, and I really don't think we have it here.

Nice thought CC, but no. It wouldn't work here.
Yes & we would get rid of them fast... :naughty:
Yeah, I remember we made a suggestion over ranting/venting thread at JavaPride´s thread last year. Unfortunlately this suggestion like what you suggest here is not work.

I searched for link to add Javapride´s thread here but I can´t find it. I hope Javapride will add here when she find... I really can´t remember the name of thread she created.
That isn't going to work here on All Deaf, we're better off exposing ourselves in a public forum, it's on their own risk. :P
oh yeah i hate when ppl whines or attack us for no reason
or complain about our threads and posts scoffs
we could always just give it a try, see what happens.
I don't think that AD is a good place to have a ranting section.
Historically, AD members have violiated this boundary in the past, and some of them have done some interforum research, only to copy and paste some of the rants in other forums and crosspost it in here. People failed to realise that at a certain forum, it was very explicit that it took a very high level of trust and understanding to have such a ranting section.

For this reason, the ranting section at the other forum almost had to close down because the administrator was afraid that members would feel as if their integrity was compromised with and dishonoured with people sneaking peeks into their rants and taking things out of context. I can guarantee that members here will misunderstand ranting threads and destroy the threads with dumbassed posts.

I am not for AD having a ranting section. Sorry! AD members lack the maturity and lack the capacity of compassion and understanding of supporting people venting their frustrastions. People here are sometimes a tad bit self centered that they will view these rants and try to make it be about them when it isn't.
kuifje75 said:
I don't think that AD is a good place to have a ranting section.
Historically, AD members have violiated this boundary in the past, and some of them have done some interforum research, only to copy and paste some of the rants in other forums and crosspost it in here. People failed to realise that at a certain forum, it was very explicit that it took a very high level of trust and understanding to have such a ranting section.

For this reason, the ranting section at the other forum almost had to close down because the administrator was afraid that members would feel as if their integrity was compromised with and dishonoured with people sneaking peeks into their rants and taking things out of context. I can guarantee that members here will misunderstand ranting threads and destroy the threads with dumbassed posts.

I am not for AD having a ranting section. Sorry! AD members lack the maturity and lack the capacity of compassion and understanding of supporting people venting their frustrastions. People here are sometimes a tad bit self centered that they will view these rants and try to make it be about them when it isn't.

you do make a good point. ive seen this happen.