A card from Vet.

wow really nice of them to send u a sympathy card. I am sorry for your loss. I used to have Samantha and Harriet for few years till I buried them front yard. One just looked alike yours and other was tan. Wow I had too many animals being buried backyard and front yard. grrr. Now we have two cats, no more pets and heartbroke for me.
wow really nice of them to send u a sympathy card. I am sorry for your loss. I used to have Samantha and Harriet for few years till I buried them front yard. One just looked alike yours and other was tan. Wow I had too many animals being buried backyard and front yard. grrr. Now we have two cats, no more pets and heartbroke for me.

Yeppers, that's ok... Awww I do understand that.. I rather to having pets to keep me busy than being bored without them ;) but of course, will have heart break :(
That is really nice sympathy card :) .. My mom have one sympathy card in her bedroom on the table with dog Ricky's ash vase on the table with Ricky's toys and his dish bowl too.
I´m speechless after saw symathpy card for the pets... I never see symapthy card for the pets here in Germany before. Germans animal lovers often use the words to say sympathy but card... It is lovely and touch my heart. I save your card in my file. I hope you don´t mind. :)

Yes it is still sad because Nike is too young to due... He is only 8 months old.

It´s very nice of the vet to send sympathy card to you.