20 questions or go in depth?


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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When I am trying to get to know a person, I ask a lot of questions.

I may ask:

Do you have any cats and dogs? How many?

Then on to next question. What kind of book do you like to read?

Ok. Next question. For how long have you known ASL?

You see, I won't ask for details. I try to know a little bit about other people.

Some other people may ask---how many dogs and cats do you have? Ok, then they would discuss details like where they got the cat, how the cat got their name, etc. You know go in details instead of playing 20 questions all over.

I am more interested in women's perspective about what you think. Men are welcomed too!!
My perspective is:...why are you asking sooooo many questions?....It would seem that you are interrograting someone...:laugh2:...just go with the flow....
I would look for somebody who shared my interest already, and then ask a lot of questions about our mutual interest.
I would ask if you're planning on writing book about a me. I think it would not take long to know if a person knew ASL , just trying using it yourself and see how she answers you back . Are you planning to marry a woman on first sight, if not how about just taking your time to get to know her as person and let her be able to tell if she has any pets and her other interest and hobbies. I think if you start off asking a lot of question it made you look like a very controlling guy and will be asking all kind of questions later on about how they spend their time and with who they spend it with. Take your list of questions and use it as kitty littler , and ask your date if she is hungry
and where she would like to eat and that will tell you little about her .
When I am trying to get to know a person, I ask a lot of questions.

I may ask:

Do you have any cats and dogs? How many?

Then on to next question. What kind of book do you like to read?

Ok. Next question. For how long have you known ASL?

You see, I won't ask for details. I try to know a little bit about other people.

Some other people may ask---how many dogs and cats do you have? Ok, then they would discuss details like where they got the cat, how the cat got their name, etc. You know go in details instead of playing 20 questions all over.

I am more interested in women's perspective about what you think. Men are welcomed too!!

i think they good questions stay with them derick,be sort of thing i would expect to ask myself,i like guy who asked me them....tip dont ask her about turbo charged engines until you know her better:giggle:
I would look for somebody who shared my interest already, and then ask a lot of questions about our mutual interest.

But that way you'll be cutting yourself off from trying something new and learning something about yourself. I found out I like to go canoeing with my daughter and her family and I never fought I was brave enough to try this because I can't swim.
derek had relationship go bad few months back he just trying to see what women see in a guy...if she hearing girl you being presumptious expecting her to know ASL.. but knowing what sort of book she reads says lots about a person,my opinion is those questions are good and as time go by those 20 questions will answer themselves