12-year-old boy's Guide To Relationships

femme Fatale

Official AD Nutcracker
Jun 16, 2008
Reaction score



Damn Right! :giggle:

Oh gents, we're not complicated... (sigh)

this boy.... is wise
Definitely a wise child... I'm one and still don't understand the ones I date... :mad:
Haha very big reason I couldn't be a lesbian, well you know besides the whole attraction thing. They just don't flip my switch :D but even if they did......women :D
Why deaf women afraid to dating a hearing men?

AllDeaf, hello I'm hard of hearing I just joined for all deaf I'm new to everyone.
Why deaf women afraid to dating a hearing men?

AllDeaf, hello I'm hard of hearing I just joined for all deaf I'm new to everyone.

First, HoH is not hearing... So... your question is completely off topic of your introduction of being HoH.... :hmm: Also, your question is pretty off topic of the thread in general, but because you're new, I'll help ya out a bit...

We're not AFRAID to date a hearing man.... First off. Deaf women aren't in a little hole biting their nails all timid and under a sheet scared and AFRAID of dating a hearing dude! :Ohno: OH NO! Keep the hearies away! I don't want them to come near me, they have COOTIES! :Ohno: It's not a fear, it's more of an annoyance, usually.

Secondly, Not all Deaf women are the same... there are tons of us... so there are tons of different reasons each Deaf woman may have for not wanting to date a hearie.

Personally, I don't like that they don't understand what it's like to be Deaf. Boom... end of story. Here's some other reasons I've heard from other Deaf female friends of mine when talking about the subject...

*Hearing men may not know ASL

*Hearing men tend to not understand Deaf culture

*Hearing men tend to like to talk and don't understand the point and importance of enunciating.

*Hearing men like to walk away when talking and get mad when they're asked to repeat themselves.

I could go on and on with conversations me and my lady friends have on why they do not date hearies... because there are many reasons they don't... but it would take too long to list... I personally refuse to waste my entire night listing them all... :roll:

I hope this answers your question that is in no relation to your introduction, since you are HoH as you said... so you said... irrelevant question since you are HoH and all... Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut... ooooookay...