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  1. T

    what kind of hearing loss you have?

    I have mild bilateral hearing loss and wear hearing aids in both ears. I can't hear mobile phone ringtones, and my own HAs whistling (even if they are in my ears), due to the fact that I have 90db loss in the left, 45dB loss in the right for high frequencies. According to the Teacher for the...
  2. T

    Your country of birth

    I was born in Birmingham, Great Britain
  3. T

    What Religion are You

    I'm converting to Judaism, but I was baptised as a Methodist. I abandoned my belief in Yeshua being Son of the Lord and Melich HaMoschiach late last year. [Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes in Hebrew]
  4. T

    Color HA's and Ha's molds...

    My ear moulds are black and white, a wixture of the two shades that looks very unique. My hearing aids themselves are grey. They did try to mix white and black to get grey ear moulds, but I got black and white ones instead.
  5. T


    Thank you all for the welcome.
  6. T

    Does your parents force you to wear hearing aids or old fashion FM system?

    My parents would prefer me to wear ha, but they can get uncomfortable if I wear them for too long. Supposedly my speech is more slurry than usual if I don't wear my hearing aids.
  7. T


    Thank you for the welcome
  8. T


    Thank you.
  9. T


    Hello to you all, I am Tyford, previously the Forum Moderator of the Deaf Gamers Message Boards. I am the Founder and Administrator of the Deaf Direct Forums. Anyway, hello to everyone here.