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  1. J

    Lip Reading Help on YouTube

    Hey, thanks for looking. That comment is regarding a different video. The one I linked above there is no audio, you can only see his face and lips moving.
  2. J

    Lip Reading Help on YouTube

    Hey there, This past weekend Dave Matthews Band wrapped up their summer long tour in Virginia. Just before the show was over, a crazy person climbed up on to the stage in a trench coat. It seemed to upset the band some, and there is a video of the drummer talking into his mic about the...
  3. J

    Sidekick III Pictures Leak

    I understand your fraustration with all the fake rumors about the SK3, but Danger produces the Hiptop and Hiptop 2, where T-Mobile licenses the product's design from Danger and calls it the Sidekick and Sidekick II. So it wouldn't make sense that it would say, Sidekick III, Danger Inc because...
  4. J

    Writing Article Abaout Why Sidekick is Good for Deaf People

    First thanks to everyone who's taken the time to write what works and doesn't work with mobile electronic devices for the deaf. Please keep the comments coming. I'm looking to write an article for, which is the site focused on the Sidekick III. It is getting a lot of...
  5. J

    Writing Article Abaout Why Sidekick is Good for Deaf People

    Hello, I'd like to write an article about why the Sidekick II is good device for deaf people. One of the things I was hoping this community could help out with is listing the features found in mobile electronics that are particularly helpful and why. One of the things I saw someone...
  6. J

    Sidekick III Pictures Leak

    Looks like some Sidekick 3 Pictures leaked today. Looks like it could be a pretty sweet device, Edge/Wi-Fi, a Mini SD Card Slot, a Music player, video and instead of the scroll wheel there is a ball. js
  7. J


    From Portland, Oregon. js :fruit:
  8. J

    Sidekick 3 !!

    Hey, There's a new site covering information related to the Sidekick III if you're interested. It's called Mobile Hipster. js