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  1. A

    Kanso - thoughts?

    I have a N7 and a Kanso and love them both. I use Kanso one day and N7 the next as my ear gets sore from the N7 and the Kanso relieves it. The Kanso does require the phone clip for phone conversations as we'll as a remote assistant for use with streaming from the mini mic. I'm not too great...
  2. A

    Newly implanted, just turned on 2 days ago

    My CI was activated Nov. 28 and I was surprised that I'm not self conscious about it. Maybe that's because we have accomplished something we're proud of and don't mind talking about.
  3. A

    My CI improvement

    My CI was activated November 28 and I'm loving it. I am having troubling times when the implant overheats. Information online simply tells me to discontinue use and call my audiologist. It's Christmas Day and I am wanting to use it now!
  4. A

    An Introduction!

    Hi, I'm Acie. I have a Cochlear Implant and occasionally have questions. Hoping to learn from this forum.