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  1. B

    What are you doing right now? Part II

    Trying to finish my research paper...finals next week...almost done my second semester!!
  2. B

    Hellmanns vs miracle whip

    Hellmann's with relish and Old Bay on a tuna sandwich. So yummy.
  3. B

    Why are deaf people against those with hearing learning asl?

    I actually hope you're right and he was lol
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    Why are deaf people against those with hearing learning asl?

    I worked at an Unos when I still lived in Baltimore and there was always a gentleman who came in who was deaf. I hadn't decided on becoming an interpreter at this time but I would practice sign now and again; he had asked for a mountain dew and I misunderstood him and brought him the wrong...
  5. B

    New here

    Hi all! (: So I am hearing, and pretty new at learning ASL. I am in my first year back at school after taking a few years off deciding what I want to do with my life, and I have decided to become an interpreter. I work two jobs to put myself through school and its hard to find people to sign...