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  1. robert317


    Wow it is horrible how many companies let money and greed take over what's right.
  2. robert317

    Spring Awakening

    Matlin* autocorrect [emoji21]
  3. robert317

    Spring Awakening

    I know I was devastated when I heard they are eding this month. I really wanted to go see it. Also Martin is a queen and a wonderful woman!
  4. robert317

    Louisville, Hearing, Wanting to Make Friends :)

    Thank you, that means so much! Do you like photography?
  5. robert317


    Yeah it takes a while to build up a wardrobe of cruelty free clothes and even more time to find good cruelty free products that you love.
  6. robert317


    I hate that, I always check to see if things are cruelty free. I can't stand how abused animals are in the factory industry.
  7. robert317


    I think I have heard of that, is that the book about the lack of regulations in factories and the mistreatment of workers?
  8. robert317


    It is really helpful to track what you eat to make sure your nutrition is balanced! :)
  9. robert317

    Louisville, Hearing, Wanting to Make Friends :)

    Ever since the age of 3 and 4 I have been obsessed with cameras and technology. I would take my parents throw away cameras and snap pictures, my parents would be so mad at me. Eventually on my birthday the bought me a new one, and I was obsessed. I constantly took new photos of everything...
  10. robert317

    Louisville, Hearing, Wanting to Make Friends :)

    Actually it is a sparkler, I set my camera for long exposure and did this a few times until I got the firm I wanted. :)
  11. robert317


    I want to lose weight, but I also want to be vegan (vegetarian at the moment), and stay close with my family even though I am moving off into college! :)
  12. robert317

    Louisville, Hearing, Wanting to Make Friends :)

    Hello my name is Robert and I am currently learning ASL and wanting to become an interpreter, more specifically for Theatre. I am also planning on double majoring in Music, I love acting, singing, and photography. I also love learning new languages, such as Japanese, German, and American Sign...