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  1. H

    What Are Jobs Deaf People Can't Do?

    Yes, we can do pretty much everything despite our hearing loss. But what are jobs deaf people can't do? I can think of two: sign language interpreter and telephone work.
  2. H

    When Listening to Music...

    When I listen to music with headphones, I take off my hearing aid to avoid feedback, in order to hear the music, I crank up the volume to the highest possible. On my phone, it says that if you listen at high volume for a long period of time, hearing damage may occur. Well, since I have a...
  3. H

    Has anybody liked their CIs?

    :wave: hi! The majority of us have CIs. A lot have HAs. Several don't use them at all. In my left ear, I have a moderately severe hearing loss, so I'm not qualified for a CI, I have a powerful Phonak Naida Q RIC hearing aid. In my right, I was officially diagnosed with a severe hearing...
  4. H

    If there were a cure for hearing loss would you take it

    Let's say that doctors had invented a cure for hearing loss. :hmm: like a pill, once you swallow it, you'll have 100% normal hearing, no deafness anymore. Would you take it if it was such a thing? As for me, I wouldn't take it. Yeah, being moderately-to-severely HOH in one ear and fully deaf...
  5. H

    How powerful are your hearing aids/CIs

    With your HAs/CIs, what CAN you hear and also what you CAN'T hear? Just curious. I have a HA for my left ear and no amplification for my profoundly deaf right ear (used to have a CI but hated it and no longer wear it anymore). I can hear people's voices, babies' cries as long as they're in...
  6. H

    Pros and Cons of Being Deaf and HOH

    Of course, for many of us, we love being deaf, Deaf, HOH. There are a lot of pros to hearing loss but some cons too. So let's identify and share them! :deaf: For me, I'm moderately-to-severely HOH in my left ear and profoundly deaf in my right. I use a hearing aid for my left ear and I don't...
  7. H

    Guide Dog for the Deaf

    Does anybody here have a guide dog for deaf? If so, tell me about it. :wave: I am thinking of getting one when I move out in a few years. I think it'd be a great help especially since my hearing loss is progressive. However, am I "eligible" to get one. I am moderately to severely hard of...
  8. H

    Your opinion on speech?

    What is your opinion on deaf/HOH doing speech therapy and speaking verbally instead of signing? Even if the child didn't get to pick voice or asl, the parents wanted to raise him or her as "hearing"? I ask that because I am HOH and I've been through speech therapy ever since three years old...
  9. H

    A newbie had just joined!

    Hello! :wave: My name is Caitlin, and I am 14 years old, going on 15 (yes, I am younger than most of you :lol:). I have a severe hearing loss in my left ear (somewhere between 20 and 25 percentage of hearing) and profoundly deaf in my right ear (0% hearing). I have a hearing aid for my left...