Search results

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    Motorcycle Training?

    Hiya I was wondering whether anyone on here has a full UK motorcycle licence? I am planning to get my licence and know how to go about it (I also have all the kit), but Im not sure which training school to use...Id prefer to use one which has some previous experience of training hard of...
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    Deafness and language

    Hello all I was wondering whether anyone on here are deaf AND have problems with language? (problems as in writing it, comprehending it etc) The reason i ask is because i recently came across a guy called steve* (*name has been changed) who is heard of hearing but has extreme difficulty in...
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    UN-subtitled DVD's

    Hiya everyone I recently tried to buy series one and two of creature comforts on DVD but couldnt because there were no subtitles available. This was very dissapointing for me because i am deaf and cannot follow anything without the aid of subtitles. I watch creature comforts every sunday...
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    Hiya Everyone!

    Hiya everyone My first time on here, i came across this website by accident but thought it would be a good idea to sign up and see what its all about! Err..dont have much to say really, except hello! :bump: How old is everyone on here? Maria