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  1. C


    Aw, thank you! :D
  2. C

    Can You Hear or Feel The Music?.....

    With my hearing aid, I can hear and feel the sound of the music, but I cannot hear the lyrics to it. In that case, I watch the lyric videos on Youtube. :P Without my hearing aid, I can only hear the music if it's super loud.
  3. C

    Why are you deaf?

    Nobody knows exactly why I'm hard of hearing. However, I've been told that when I was born, my brain somehow temporarily lost oxygen, but I somehow regained it. So my family assumes it's from my birth injury. But I, for some reason, never had a hearing test when I was born. I wasn't diagnosed...
  4. C


    Hi, I'm Callie-Ridgeley00, and I'm a hard-of-hearing teenaged girl. I had been lurking around here for sometime now, and because I could relate to so many of you all, I decided to become a member. :wave:I'm looking forward to having an awesome time here!