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  1. tigerhw114

    I need help with a school project...

    Ahh, cool. I'm glad you're so comfortable with yourself. I'm hearing, and I'm really glad I took my ASL class, because it has taught me alot of things I would have never even guessed about. I know almost a hundred signs, and I wish to know them all one day. Let people, be people, you know? You...
  2. tigerhw114

    I need help with a school project...

    My school is one of the few schools in my area to offer any kind of deaf programs. And I have many friends who are deaf. Why does the name mean so much to you? The question isn't part of the interview. I'm very grateful you let me interview you, the project is due tomorrow, and I want a good...
  3. tigerhw114

    I need help with a school project...

    So, it pretty much runs in your family. Okay, question 5: Are you involved with the Deaf community? And, I would like to know you name, please. You already know mine, it's Heather.
  4. tigerhw114

    I need help with a school project...

    That's cool. Thank you. Okay, question 3: Are your parents deaf? And question 4: Do you have any other deaf family members? If not, would you want to?
  5. tigerhw114

    I need help with a school project...

    Okay. Question 2: Do you like being deaf?
  6. tigerhw114

    I need help with a school project...

    Okay, thank you so much. First question is: Are you deaf or hard of hearing?
  7. tigerhw114

    I need help with a school project...

    Okay, I guess you reply here, I don't really know. I have five questions, actually, is that okay?
  8. tigerhw114

    I need help with a school project...

    Hi, my name is Heather, and I'm 15 years old. I am in a deaf language class, to learn ASL. We're doing a project, and I need to interview a deaf, or hard of hearing person for part of the project. It's kind of last minute, so I would very much appreciate someone volunteering to be interviewed...