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  1. heysell23

    Hey 15/f looking for deaf friends on kik

    Hey there are very few deaf ppl here and I would love just to talk to other deaf teens, I want to have deaf friends around my age, so leave your kiks and I will message you thx :deaf:
  2. heysell23

    Parents won't learn asl with me

    My parents think that I don't need asl since I wear hearing aids and that speak rather well they think I hear every little thing the world only because there are 2 of them the world has about 7 billion what should I do to explain to them I need asl and it would be good for them to learn as well...
  3. heysell23

    15 y/o girl wanting an asl buddy

    I'm HOH soon to be Deaf and my parents don't want to learn sign language I know basics but not a lot is there anybody who is willing to help me out or be a friend because I'm going through a rough time Sent from my iPhone using AllDeaf
  4. heysell23

    New chick

    Hey im 15 HoH with hearing aids but doctors predicted i will be deaf soon im learing asl on my own cause my parents dont want to, i have been hoh all my life and i had a head trauma causing my deafness, i could use some asl buddies to teach me and practice with me and any deaf friends really...