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  1. T

    Anyone with experience in setting up web video chat?

    I want to set up a video web cam to do real time signing with a friend from my PC. Anyone else try this before? Did it work well? Could you sign over it or was it too choppy? Any suggestions or ideas are appreciated! Todd
  2. T

    No More Pen And Paper

    Why windows only? Don't force people to pay the microsoft tax to use your program. It's admirable that you spent time writing the program, and even more so that you want to give it away, but why do you discriminate against Mac, Linux and other users?
  3. T

    Activation appt cancelled. . .

    Sorry to hear it! Hopefully they'll be able to get you scheduled in before the 21st. Either way, all the waiting will soon be nothing but a memory!
  4. T

    Anyone willing to help a hearie learn ASL?

    Have fun! I agree, that's a great way to meet people and learn. I was able to find a similar group that meets at a place and time that works with my schedule (quite a stroke of luck). I've been helping organize events and it has helped a lot. The video idea is just another option. It may...
  5. T

    Anyone willing to help a hearie learn ASL?

    Hey, I've been trying to learn ASL for the past few years. I know some vocab and I've got the basics down, but I want to improve my conversational skills, especially receptive skills. Everyone tells me the best way to do this is to spend more time with Deaf people - with my schedule, that's...
  6. T

    Do you want to learn how to Program?

    Another Option! I realized this weekend that maybe there's another way to make this work! I've helped many people learn and improve their programming skills through email in the past, but I couldn't see how I could learn ASL through email. Then it hit me - YouTube!!!!! So, if you'll...
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    Do you want to learn how to Program?

    Jeff - I'm wondering if my reply got stuck in your spam filter - or maybe you're just busy. Either way, email me when you get a chance and let's figure out something that works for both of us. Todd
  8. T

    Do you want to learn how to Program?

    Great idea, but . . . Right now, I only have dial up, so VoIP is not realistic. Fortunately, Portland is getting city-wide free wireless - should be in my neighborhood by 2008! Offer still stands for those willing to meet before that time. After 2008, I'll offer the same deal over the...
  9. T

    puzzle in flash

    rimjhim, Have you tried I haven't tried it, but it sounds like it might be what you're looking for. Also, Flashkit has lots of tutorials that might help - even if they're not "puzzle" tutorials, you may be able...
  10. T

    Do you want to learn how to Program?

    I'm a hearing computer programmer (it's my job, not just a hobby). I'm very interested in learning more ASL (I know a lot of signs, but I need help on conversing in ASL). I'm willing to trade skills - I will teach you programming if you agree to help me with ASL (which we can do during...
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    Looking for tutor in Portland, OR

    I'm looking for an ASL tutor in Portland, OR. If you, or someone you know, would be interested, please contact me offline at todd_run at yahoo dot com. Thanks!
  12. T

    Windows Server 2003

    Absolutely free! Even better, since these are Open Source, you can even copy and modify the actual source code. If you need the operating system to do something specific, you can write it into the kernel (of course, this isn't something that everyone has the programming skills to do, but...
  13. T

    Windows Server 2003

    Linux and BSD are free. Plus they both run well on old, slow machines. If you're looking at cost, it's pretty tough to beat the open source operating systems.