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  1. E

    Hearing people.

    I am a hearing person and interested in Deaf culture. I'm sorry if you have been left feeling lost and not helped. One problem with hearing people is that they don't always know what a deaf person needs. In my lifetime I just haven't seen very many deaf or hard of hearing people, and when I...
  2. E

    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    BecLak wrote: Exactly yet people still insist I speak with them. Just because I can, doesn't mean it's the better way. They say I'm outnumbered so I have to comply. Written Language is a middle ground, why can't they be courteous enough to at least meet in the middle? It doesn't hurt...
  3. E

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    Ok, I have a question. I read much of the beginning of this set of posts about annoying hearing people. I am a hearing person who doesn't want to be annoying OR disrespectful. I do know the fingerspelling alphabet and a few signs, but not many. I would really like to learn more about both...
  4. E

    What is it like to be DEAF? VLog

    I'm a hearing person that has always been interested in sign language and Deaf Culture. I really appreciate the gentleman's video as it helps me understand better what some Deaf people go through. I remember when Closed Captioning became mandatory for all TVs. I honestly didn't understand why...