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  1. P

    Effing hate my "deaf accent"!!!

    I have some hearing but I'm more deaf than HOH. Without my hearing aid I can't hear ANYTHING. That puts me in the deaf category. Trust me there are plenty of deaf people out there who think like this. You don't see them much because they're hidden away living their own lives in the "hearing...
  2. P

    Effing hate my "deaf accent"!!!

    Uhm, don't assume that I'm hearing. I'm a deaf person who thinks that deaf people shouldn't isolate themselves from the "real world". I GET it. I have a deaf accent and I have a hard time understanding some people. I KNOW what it's like. I'm just trying to encourage the OP that s/he can improve...
  3. P

    Effing hate my "deaf accent"!!!

    Who are you to say that it's impossible? I'm deaf, thankyouverymuch. I have a friend who got a cochlear implant and her speech improved TREMENDOUSLY. She underwent 5 years of speech therapy and I'm told that her speech is flawless now. My hairdresser is HOH and she used to have a deaf accent...
  4. P

    Is this audist?

    I wouldn't say it's audist, but it's definitely patronizing. The writer's acting like it's a - gasp - miracle that deaf people could dance! Who woulda thought?! Not a fan of the description.
  5. P

    Effing hate my "deaf accent"!!!

    No, no, no. This is horrible advice. Tucking yourself away in the "deaf world" is NOT the answer to your problems. I think speech therapy will help you a lot. I've seen deaf people get rid of their deaf accents as a result of speech therapy. It works.
  6. P

    Reporting SSI Fraud

    I see so many deaf scam artists gaming the system to get SSI. They advise each other to go to the welfare office and act "mute" and dumb and when they get SSI they blow it on luxuries like trips to Europe, new cars, and even drugs. As a taxpayer, I feel that it's very wrong to take the money...