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  1. whiskeyonesix

    Thinking about studying and a change of career...

    Hi Folks, As some of you might know, I work in the steel manufacturing and warehousing/logistics trade. Our occupational Health and Safety advisor at work has now classed me as a "High Risk Employee" because of my hearing loss. Quite why they have done this is frankly beyond me as my...
  2. whiskeyonesix

    My Greyhound.

    This is my Greyhound. Her racing name is Auntie Anger III, but we call her Indi. She had a bit of a bad start to life, when she was 3 months old her trainer started to train her to race and she suffered a broken leg. The trainer - realising that a lame greyhound is no use - took her to the...
  3. whiskeyonesix

    My Employer has asked me to take a hearing test.........

    Hi Folks, I've been with my current Employer since last June, and right from the start have told them that my hearing wasn't too good. In January this year I had my HA's fitted which obviously helped immensly, but since I drive a Forklift and move steel around for a job, this means that my...
  4. whiskeyonesix

    Skyrim Vs. Oblivion

    Hi Folks, Right, bit of a nerdfest this one... I finished TES:Oblivion about 3 weeks ago - when I mean finished, I mean the lot, every quest, everything. So rather than spend time with my Wife who had turned into an Oblivion Widow in the meantime, I did the sensible thing and went out...
  5. whiskeyonesix

    Forgot to wear HA's to work...

    Here's an odd thing... I was driving to work this morning, when I'd realised I'd forgotted my HA's. I was already halfway, and didn't want to turn back and get them, otherwise I'd end up being late. Oh well I thought, one day aint going to matter. My deafness is Moderate/Severe on the...
  6. whiskeyonesix

    I was in the Pub earlier....

    ....Wait let me finish :) As you guys know I've recently acquired a pair of HA's which I'm slowly getting used to... So, me and the missus were in the beer garden of our local pub just having a drink or two, it was fairly noisy, and I'd switched my HA's to a Quiet setting to block out the...
  7. whiskeyonesix

    My Unitron Quantum E's

    Hi Folks, Got my new HA's today, first time I've worn them, so I'm wearing them in for a few hours a day untill I get used to them, The echoey tinny sound was a bit of a surprise, and my Audiologist has only set them to 50% at first whilst I get used to things. She says I'll adapt to them...
  8. whiskeyonesix

    Newbie here!

    Hi Folks, After a couple of month of lurking, I thought I'd best create a username and sign in :) My name's Tom and I'm a 38 year old happily married english Ex-Pat living in Perth Australia. I've got mild to moderate hearing loss on my left side, coupled with moderate to severe loss on...