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  1. TheSwaggerella

    Travel and Vacations

    I just want to know what kind of apps or technology or advice is out there on this topic. Thanks.
  2. TheSwaggerella

    Travel and Vacations

    What are some tricks and tips you would offer to someone who has little or no travel experience (flights/hotels/booking a vacation/getting around etc)? Best "deaf community friendly" cities to travel to? Best service you've experienced on vacation? I'd love to hear your thoughts! Cheers, Amy
  3. TheSwaggerella

    What did you do today? Part II

    Interviewed for Big Brothers Big Sisters I have been wanting to volunteer with them for a while and I finally submitted my application and went in for an interview with them today! Anyone here a Big? Experiences you'd like to share? Cheers! Amy
  4. TheSwaggerella

    Business System for Deaf
