Search results

  1. AlauraBorealis

    ASL immersion

    Does anybody know of any ASL Immersion programs for adults like myself who are going deaf? I have had moderate hearing loss my whole life and wear HAs now that I am an adult (though I wish I had them growing up) I know that as I get older my hearing is going to only get worse my hearing loss is...
  2. AlauraBorealis

    Needed to vent frustration to people who understand

    I work at a gas station and I'm HOH, I wear HAs and rely on speech reading. (I wish I knew more ASL) But anyway, I am relatively new at my job and still learning where all the different cigarettes and everything are, the main frustration that I have is when people look out toward the gas pumps...
  3. AlauraBorealis

    problems with captions lol Some of you may get this.
  4. AlauraBorealis

    this is kind of wonderful

    Guy posts picture of a woman on the internet attempting to make fun of her and gets schooled. Reddit Users Attempt to Shame Sikh Woman, Get Righteously Schooled
  5. AlauraBorealis

    Speech Reading

    How many people rely on speech reading? It's something I don't realize I rely so heavily on until I can't see someone's mouth. I wear my HAs to school and being a grad student most of my classes are small groups so I don't typically have too much of a problem. But if I'm somewhere that I know...
  6. AlauraBorealis

    Oh Yeah!

    Who had the nerve to ask out a beautiful lady tonight? THIS GIRL! High Fives all around! I've been crushing on her for a while and haven't had the nerve to ask her out on a real date until tonight. :D
  7. AlauraBorealis

    Roller Derby anyone?

    Just curious if there are any other derby fans/ athletes here. I play roller derby for a league in southern Indiana.
  8. AlauraBorealis

    Hearing Aids and Sports

    I wear BTE hearing aids and I find them to be the most comfortable. I have BTE mini hearing aids right now, I play roller derby and I was wondering if anyone had any advice as to what is the best hearing aids for sports where you're in full contact with other athletes and potentially sweaty. I...
  9. AlauraBorealis


    New here, my name is Laura, I'm HOH :D