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  1. T

    Baby monitor help!

    Thank you. I said like 15 mins. I should have said adjustable timer snooze.
  2. T

    Baby monitor help!

    That's correct, the reason Why I want snooze is when I changed diaper and fed him. He still cry cuz he's tired. Most of time I lay him in his bed and let him cry for a while then he just fall sleep.
  3. T

    Baby monitor help!

    I don't buy baby monitor for deaf cuz it has negative feedback that they don't work Well and doesn't warn u the battery going die.
  4. T

    Baby monitor help!

    Yea I forgot about that. That's Why I edit it lol.
  5. T

    Baby monitor help!

    and I able to get up during middle of night to go bathroom and close the door without set it off. Or turn it off.
  6. T

    Baby monitor help!

    My son cannot fall sleep fast enough without loud music and I don't want wait until he fall sleep so I can turn it on at 4am. I'm very happy with my invent. Only thing I wish it has is snooze button to ingore baby crying for like 15 mins. I'm gonna add that feature on my next design.
  7. T

    Baby monitor help!

    I never tried baby monitor for deaf products. How happy are you with it? Does it set off alarm on wrong reasons like playing stereo next to the monitor?
  8. T

    Baby monitor help!

    Oh Yea, I forgot one more thing. It also have mini lights that flashing from newborn breathing to make sure he's alive without bother my sleep.
  9. T

    Baby monitor help!

    I had that issues too with my newborn son. So I invented baby monitor that works very champ for 5 months so far. It has light flasher and bed vibrate Even pager vibrate that only work on baby crying no else. I haven't try patent it yet cuz I'm trying to redesign it to be more affordable then...
  10. T

    Which one that has best customizing close caption feature?

    I think it would be neat if someone invented close caption box that has many customizing as minilyric do that will meet our comfort requirements to read. that able to overlay carry tho HDMI plugs. Maybe this new law will instant improve our close captions system. I Hope. Lol
  11. T

    Which one that has best customizing close caption feature?

    Sorry for late response. I didnt get email notification. What I mean is which one has nicest and best customize close caption on any devices, programs, etc.. u ever seen. my vote is minilyrics unfortunately it only work on music. It's fully control customizing. I have sharp HDTV has Nice one...
  12. T

    Which one that has best customizing close caption feature?

    There are few products has a Nice customize close caption feature such like HDTV,cable box, and software. Which one that you like the best?
  13. T

    you can play the music with lyrics by using minlyrics plugins program!

    I don't see anything about minilyrics program mentioned on this forums. Just thought to let all deaf people know that they can also enjoy music with lyrics playing on iTunes or window media. :lol: