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  1. serijules

    Please vote for my puppy!

    YAY!!! WYATT WON!! Thanks SOOO much to all of you for helping and voting! Couldnt have done it without you. I will post a picture of the prize when I get it. *bounces*
  2. serijules

    Please vote for my puppy!

    Second place is catching up and Wyatt has to stay on top until 1pm pacific tomorrow (Tues)! If you haven't voted, please do :))
  3. serijules

    Buying a new puppy? Read this first please

    It's very rare to find someone as informed and educated as you are on this topic. I own a grooming shop and boarding kennel and so many of my clients are so uneducated about ethical breeding that I think only a very very small percent of my client have ever had the joy of owning a healthy...
  4. serijules

    Please vote for my puppy!

    Thanks sooo much everyone! I think he's pretty cute myself *grin* He's still winning...has to stay in first until Tues so *crossing my fingers*
  5. serijules

    Please vote for my puppy!

    THank you sooooooo much everyone! Much appreciated, anyone that did vote already or will vote yet :)
  6. serijules

    Buying a new puppy? Read this first please

    EXCELLENT post Cane Corso!
  7. serijules

    Please vote for my puppy!

    Hi Everyone! My sweet fuzzball, a 2 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Wyatt Earp, has a favor to ask you! He is entered in a photo contest...the prize is a really neat art print of his cute mug for his adoring owner to hang in her grooming shop. His sisters won last year, and he's feeling...
  8. serijules

    who has a working service dog?

    I don't have issues with people realizing I'm deaf by the orange cape. That's the point of it. I have never had any desire to "hide" my disability. If people stare....that's their issue, not mine :) Wyatt is a working dog, but when he isn't working, he is a pet. I treat him like a pet. I...
  9. serijules

    Hearing Dogs

    umm.. Did you read anything I said in my reply? I said they don't have to be certified. I said I trained my own hearing dog. I didn't "insist" anything, I gave some very basic information...LOL. My dog has a vest. He is also certified because I believe in giving the opportunity to...
  10. serijules


    Err, onions are toxic to dogs you know. Watch her closely, if she starts having the runs or vomiting, you need to get her to the vet ASAP. Chocolate, grapes, macadamia nuts are also toxic to dogs
  11. serijules

    Talk all about dogs!

    I have 3 Great Danes and a corgi (who is my hearing assistance dog). Great Danes are WONDERFUL dogs, but not for everyone. They are not outside dogs under ANY circumstances, and they require training, period. They are a lot of dog and if you don't like having a dog that needs to be by you...
  12. serijules

    late deafened or not?

    Were you talking to me? I don't need to learn to sign, I communicate just fine without lipreading is excellent, as is my speech. Just my hearing sucks LOL. Besides, no one around here teaches it and I'm not good at learning something like that from a book or video. I prefer human...
  13. serijules

    late deafened or not?

    I see, that makes sense. I learned something today!
  14. serijules

    Hearing Aid Stickers

    That's a good idea! I love sparkly things...haha
  15. serijules

    late deafened or not?

    I guess I'm clueless, don't know what the difference is. I'm not being snotty here, I just really don't understand this.
  16. serijules

    late deafened or not?

    Why is signing a criteria of being "deaf"? I choose to lipread over signing since my speech is good, and it's a heck of a lot easier to communicate (IMO) with lipreading and speech than signing, so I don't sign. It doesn't make me any more or less deaf than any of you that sign. I find this...
  17. serijules

    Percent or dbl?

    I have no clue what my decible loss is, and I've been deaf since I was really little LOL. I don't even really know my percents very well. I really don't care. What does it matter? It's like asking someone "how much do you weigh"? Why on earth would anyone want to know that, or care...
  18. serijules

    MOTION activated visual alert - help!

    I own a business, I need to know when someone walks in the door. I would position the sensors to activate when someone walks through the door, like most businesses have a bell or a something that goes off when the door is opened. I need something like that, only that will visually alert me...
  19. serijules

    MOTION activated visual alert - help!

    I have been desperately looking for a motion activated visual alert system for my business, and all I can find are doorbell and knock sensors, which I don't want and can't use. Basically, I need something that, when the door to my business is open a light will flash in two different rooms...
  20. serijules

    A rant

    I don't think it's too big of a deal at all deafdyke, so I don't think you need to defend yourself. My post was just meant to point out that there are other words that could be less potentially harmful to use, and lower the risk of offending anyone. I remember one time I posted on a...