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  1. J

    Not a very welcoming site....

    You've deleted half my posts, with no explanation? Ok, there is a thing called a DIFFERENCE OF OPINION - deal with it. My posts had no profanity. They shared an EXPERIENCE I personally dealt with as a Hearing Impaired Person. My opinion on the issue of should you be HONEST and...
  2. J

    Should Deafness/HOH Be Mentioned on Resumes?

    Yes, it should be. There is a question on the job ap, asking about can you do the job with or without reasonable accommodations. From experience....I went through 9 months of legal Hell after trying a new job. I won. Why? Because the employer tried saying I never told them about my...
  3. J

    Should Deafness/HOH Be Mentioned on Resumes?

    Speaking from experience....YES. I am hearing impaired and wear hearing aids. I was laid off from my job. Collecting Unemployment. Found a new job as a Receptionist for a small company. My 30 day review was the worst of my life, and centered around my hearing. To make a long...
  4. J

    Last Movie You Watched?

    This HOH person has worked as a movie extra. So of course, I have recently watched two I'm in :) "Real Steel" "The Ides of March" Not in these, but just watched: Twilight - Breaking Dawn Part 1 Rock Star (an oldie, but goodie)
  5. J

    Help from other HOH people....

    Ugh. I've been wearing hearing aids for 9 years now. My mom has the hearing of a darned hawk, she can literally hear a pin drop. A year ago, she had emergency surgery for a sudden medical condition. Since then, she has some memory problems. Including forgetting how to communicate...
  6. J

    Hard of hearing, need advice

    Hi, I'm new here. I try to be upfront with people. I've worked retail, and even a sales/graphic artist position before I had hearing aids. We all know hearing aids still don't make things perfect. I just tell people upfront "I'm hearing impaired, so to better communicate with me, please face...
  7. J

    A way to induce temporary deafness?

    If you truly want to experience being hearing impaired... May I recommend a safe way to experience it? Wear EARPLUGS all day, in every day life, for a week. Go to work. Go grocery shopping. That will give you an idea. Or you be the person who goes to a heavy metal concert, and does...