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  1. B

    Always the elephant in the room...

    I think we would be great friends! Im a newlywed who is realizing that my hearing is getting worse. Ive always been HOH I have been " mainstreamed" my entire life, Im pretty sure that half of the time my family "forgot" about my hearing loss and/or chose to ignore it. This would explain why Im...
  2. B

    Some days I ask "why me"

    "Quote: Originally Posted by Angle1989 Was sooo funny. Now if my mother talked into the recording to voice it would be extremely funny with her strong Irish Brog. yeah it would be 10x funnier! BTW I'm Irish 2 " My husband is Irish, complete with the accent! A lot of people who know us...
  3. B

    Newbie here!

    New here too curious about CI Hi everyone! Im new to this site and this post caught my eye. I am a hard of hearing individual who has basically been mainstreamed my entire life, I had tried hearing aids when I was younger, but I mainly lip read. Now as im getting older Ive noticed that my...