Search results

  1. KellyC

    Headaches that cause vomiting

    Hi, All! You may remember from my previous posts that I was recently diagnosed with Otosclerosis. I am having some new problems recently and want your advice on whether they could be related to Otosclerosis, be Meniere's, or something else like migraines. Twice now I have gotten a headache...
  2. KellyC

    Does hearing loss make you really tired?

    I am wondering if losing hearing makes you really tired. I mean this in 3 ways: 1. Most obvious: tired from working/straining to hear 2. General sleepiness and feeling tired almost all day, sleeping a lot 3. Physical exhaustion where your muscles are fatigued after doing very little It...
  3. KellyC

    Otosclerosis - My Info and Questions

    Hello! I am 32/f and have mild hearing loss in my left ear due to otosclerosis, which I learned is abnormal bone growing over the stapes. It is a type of conductive hearing loss that is certain to progress and occurs in the second ear 85% of the time. Once the new, abnormal bone has...
  4. KellyC

    Seeking advice

    Hello, I am looking for some advice. I have a deaf aunt (my father's sister) and she lives across the country so I did not have many opportunities to see her while I was growing up. Then, her relationship with my parents became estranged when my grandfather died years and years ago, so it has...