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  1. D

    For Late-deafened

    Late deafened since 22, I'm 24 now, been gradually getting worse since the beginning. My ENT has given up and told me I'm just going to have to be comfortable being HOH and eventually deaf. Now that Ive learned ASL, and now looking into ISL, I'm more comfortable with it. But rapid hearing loss...
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    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Ive been reading everyones posts and Im starting to not feel so alone. It's been a while since I've posted, because of college. I'm 24 and I have been losing my hearing for a year, it's hard to tell people I have known for years and have known me as hearing for years that I am losing my...
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    Greetings from Buffalo

    Thanks you all for the help, I found the UB group....although they weren't listed on the SA clubs list. Oh well, I appreciate it all you guys :)
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    Deaf "young adults"

    I'm 23 and HOH in Buffalo
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    Greetings from Buffalo

    Katz4life, UB Student Association I cant find one
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    Greetings from Buffalo

    No, this is the only username I've got. Im not saying there's nothing out there, I'm just saying I didn't know how to access it. I didn't know about any of the clubs, and since I don't know any ASL Im not sure about going. I was a transfer student and wasn't really informed about it all. I'm...
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    Greetings from Buffalo

    I'm getting a BFA in printmaking at University at Buffalo, I only have a year left so I'm going to try to trudge on until graduation. The reason I got kicked from the sign language course is due to the downsizing of the department and it not bring required for my degree, I like the RIT idea...
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    Greetings from Buffalo

    Hey, I came here looking for a community that I can relate to. Through the past year I have been going through losing my hearing gradually, during my junior year of college. My audiologist is luckily a good advocate of speech reading and sign language, but still didn't quite understand the...