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  1. 13NRcrew

    Can MPD exists?

    Actually, what I meant to say was that 4 of us are deaf - the other 9 can hear. We are all capable of carrying on a conversation. The 9 that can hear had to learn ASL to communicate better with the 4 of us that are deaf. We have other ways of communicting with each other, but communication...
  2. 13NRcrew

    Can MPD exists?

    Yes, it can exist. I know this because I actually have it. Can it be faked? To some degree it can. Do some people fake it to get out of trouble? Of course they do, but never convincingly imho. I was finally diagnosed back in 1992 (when it was still called MPD). Life was horribly...
  3. 13NRcrew

    Have you an experience like this after lost your dear friend?

    Liebling, I'm really sorry to hear you lost a dear friend. Crying helps a lot. Yes, I've had this happen too. My best friend died. I woke up that night in a panic, I didn't know why I was so scared. Then I found out that morning that he died. I cried so much, I didn't know my eyes could...
  4. 13NRcrew

    I know how to "fix your hearing"

    Yes, this has happened to me quite a few times, actually. Unfortunately, I am usually too stunned to come back with a clever reply. Once I was even in a hospital where a nurse told me that I just "needed to tell the devil to get behind me." And did you know that asking god to "release you...
  5. 13NRcrew

    Your favorite color...

    What state were you born at? MI How many pounds did you weigh? 9.9lbs What color is your eyes? hazle/brown What is your middle name? NA What is your favorite color? chartreuse How many siblings do you have? one sis Which siblings are you close to? my sister Did you graduate...